
Chapter 851 Psyche Star

Mental Energy was a universal power since it could be generated by living beings from all sorts of worlds, irrespective of their Genre. This was why the Systems could propagate to such a free extent.

It was because all worlds had conditions necessary for their growth and survival.

But in the end, Mental Energy was the inherent energy employed by the Systems. Using it to go against them was foolish. Compass Carburettor understood it in the previous war clearly.

While he was the Main Character, using Mental Energy was beneficial, since he was the Main Character System. But now, he wasn\'t. Therefore, relying upon Mental Energy would only make him vulnerable against the Systems.

Irrespective of how much he gained benefits from it, he was aware of one thing, his understanding regarding Mental Energy paled in comparison to the Systems.

After all, the Systems had an eternity to comprehend and evolve Mental Energy.

Therefore, he needed to create his own energy, just like how his power system had begun to change. And the answer to that was Psyche Star.

This was a condensed packet of energy created by the fusion of his own Mental Energy with his Mental Strength, Punisher Lightning, the mist, and Spirit Morph.

This was a destructive energy that on its own would destroy anything foreign that encounters it. Only Compass Carburettor could wield this energy. And even if he creates clones of himself, the moment they were even partly influenced by his enemies, the Psyche Star in their bodies would devour them.

And, depending on the resonance phenomenon, each Psyche Star was different and would influence the minds of everyone in its range.

Compass Carburettor stared at a star that formed in the sky of his Dreamland. It was the Psyche Star he created just now. As the resonance phenomenon for it was related to their longing for family, this was the dominant psyche controlling the Psyche Star.

Therefore, if he were to target a System with it, the System would fall into a state of unconsciousness, experiencing a dream of it being in the same situation as Compass Carburettor where it missed its family.

It would experience his life and become submerged within the dreams, unable to surface ever again.

Systems were beings of the mind, but they dwell within dreams. After all, dreams were unstable, flashing in and out of existence while a person slept. And the majority of the time, they had no value.

For the Systems, such unstable concepts would only result in them absorbing concepts not part of what they encompassed, causing their powers to regress. And if it continued, their Core Skills might even go defunct.

There were plenty of such cases among the Systems that didn\'t control their Hosts properly and absorbed everything in their way without filtering out their necessities. Such Systems collapsed. The Grade 4 System, Adventure was the most prominent example of this case.

For the Systems, dreams weren\'t profitable. And hence, since his powers were almost similar, Compass Carburettor chose the power of dreams in the direction that he would tread forth.

The result of that was Psyche Star. And, as the contents of each varied, Compass Carburettor attained versatility to his nature, now no longer having to worry about his enemies creating countermeasures against him.

The moment the Psyche Star manifested in the sky of the Dreamland, it began to absorb energy from the world, causing a rapid decline in its energy production.

Unlike Mental Energy whose smallest unit—one Mental Energy—was almost inconsequential, Psyche Star didn\'t have such a small unit, its sole drawback. It wasn\'t a bullet but a nuke.

This was his first Psyche Star. And two minutes since it began to form, his Dreamland ran out of energy to provide for its development. In terms of the sheer quantity of energy required for its creation, it was around a million.

With that startling level of requirement, he would need to accumulate power for ages. Compass Carburettor could simply jump into a sun and eclipse it to generate a torrent of energy required for his Dreamland to function.

But doing so would only result in the filling up of that one Psyche Star. That wouldn\'t be enough. As he wished to begin the creation of as many Psyche Stars as possible, he had to continue his current normal life.

Moreover, since the development of Stencil\'s world was also dependent on the energy from the sun, he didn\'t wish to take a slice of pie from it, \'I can rapidly fill up the Psyche Stars once I visit another universe.\'

Moreover, before the Psyche Star finishes accumulating enough energy, Compass Carburettor intended to complete the construction of his body.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Compass Carburettor grabbed a gun and aimed at the zombies flashing on the screen, watching the damage count flash across their bodies one after another. He played the game for a couple of hours, smiling in satisfaction at the end when he nabbed the highscore in the arcade.

He felt the wallet within his pant, smiling upon observing that it was still fat, \'I\'ll play for a couple more hours then.\'

He then looked around, noticing a panel on the floor where colourful numbers were installed. On the machine before it, there was a list of music. A school student accompanied by a group of friends approached it, heading in first as he watched the music of his choice play.

And in response to the beats, the colourful numbers flashed. And the moment a tile lit up, he stomped it with his feet, watching the score on the board increase by a unit.

Following that, he broke into a dance, following the flashing numbered tiles. The group of friends cheered in response as they danced one after another. A couple of hours later, once they left, Compass Carburettor entered the dancing stage, stomping the flashing tiles one after another.

At first, his steps were robotic as he only focused on stomping the tiles. But gradually, his movements tuned with the music, gaining a bit of vibe as his body language slowly changed, from one akin to performing a task for points to one that enjoyed dancing.

A crowd had formed around him at some point in time, with some of them recording him on their smartphones.

At the same time, in the Dreamland, a youth starved for entertainment was seated in the loo, thinking deeply when he tapped into the Dreamland\'s memory reserves, accessing Compass Carburettor\'s current experience as he sparked with inspiration, muttering in excitement, "An…Arcade."

"That sounds dope!"

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