
Chapter 213

Cain slowly opened his eyes in front of the city gate, above his head stood three nuns trying their hardest to heal his wounds. “How much did I stay unconscious?” He asked.

“A couple of minutes at most.” One of the nuns replied, now that Cain looked around him. The whole city was staring at him.

Slowly his mind began to tick again, a couple of minutes. They must be fighting the boss now!

Cain immediately jumped up and checked his states hoping to see the result of him killing all of that undead in one go, if this failed them they be sure they can beat the boss and Morena without Zaleria’s help.

Fortunately, and as he planned, it had worked. Risking it with a ninth-level spell had borne its fruit.


Available stat points: +2

Evolution path:

[High human]: Suggested by the inherited blood

[Lich]: Suggested by the necrotic magic residing in the body

[Abomination]: Suggested by the memories types of magic dwelling in the body

Other evolution paths will open by achieving their requirements.


‘Yes! Killing all those undead was worth the pain, with this I should be able to take care of this mess and start working on regaining my former power’ Cain smiled, ‘Allocate the +2 into charisma’

“Sir, please stay down, we have just healed your wounds!” The nuns jumped at him.

“Sit down,” Cain whispered and they immediately obeyed, ‘Work as intended’ He then quickly turned his charisma down and snapped the nuns back into reality.

“Cain, have you woken up?” Dolrig rushed in with a sword in hand. “I just finished it; you seem to have lost your weapon!”

When Cain looked in his direction, He saw Mary rushing behind him.

“Thanks, I have to go.” Cain grabbed the sword and turned toward the gate.

“Wait a moment, don’t…” Before Mary could finish speaking, Cain lifted his sword and yelled. “I have more important things to do!”

[Teleport] Cain teleported away.

“…Kill Morena.” Mary looked into the emptiness in front of her, “Let’s hurry after them, Zaleria has woken up and said that if we killed Morena she might explode into a necrotic blast, Cain is expecting an acid one!” Mary told Dolrig.

“I will get a horse quickly, All you bastards idling around, follow us!” Dolrig screamed at the adventurers standing like statues around them.

“Hey, did you get knocked out?” Morena asked Xalari who was holding his head at her side.

“I was just surprised, that girl really best my little brother.

[Mass Cure wounds] A healing spell that focuses on physical wounds and works on multiple targets. Alice started using it continuously to heal Takeshi, Lisa, and Daraku the moment Selena interfered.

Nobody needed to say anything; they all took their natural positions. Selena and Takeshi took the front while Sofia and Yamauba took the midrange to support with spells while Alice would keep them alive. Daraku and Lisa immediately went into hiding to find a good opportunity to strike.

There was one goal in their minds, hold until Cain or Zaleria arrives. Only those two have a chance of winning.

Takeshi took a step forward, Yamauba was now standing behind him, and he can’t afford to fall again.

Tightly gripping his sword and lifting it, he stared at them. “Get back,” Morena, whispered to Xalari as she sensed that Takeshi had something up his sleeve.

“MEIYO!” Takeshi’s scream shook the ground. Selena followed him with a roar “GAW!”

“Survive this!” The pages in Xalari’s grimoire started flipping rapidly. His magic swelled as he used a skill that Alice had seen Cain use before, Rapid cast. [Fireball] [Fireball] [Fireball] [Fireball] [Fireball] [Fireball].

Takeshi rushed forward swinging his blade downward at one of the fireballs. Selena rushed with him swinging her fists at one of the fireballs as well.

‘Fools, as expected of meat heads…’ Xalari’s non-existing eyes widened.

As if time seemed to slow down, The elder lich saw Takeshi cleave one of his fireballs in half. Selena on the other hand punched the fireball and extinguished it, the secret enchantment Cain cast on her knuckle-dusters was [Magic negation] on the cost of her MP.

With another swing he cleaved the second one and then cleaved the third, Selena did the same punching two more fireballs and erasing them before reaching Xalari.

“I told you to get back!” Morena screamed as she grabbed Xalari with her hand and flapped her wings at an extreme speed.

Thud! Takeshi jumped toward Morena’s neck with Selena in tow. He swung at the dragon’s neck while she swung her fist at the elder lich.

[Power Word Stun] The lick pointed a finger at Takeshi causing him to vomit white foam and fall to the ground. Morena swung her claw at Selena and sent her flying backward.

[Dawn] Alice swung with her hand, causing a pillar of golden light to fall from the sky on Xalari.

Morena then opened her jaw attempting to launch her breath. [Fire breath] Sofia interrupted her by hitting her inside her throat.

‘Tch! Her breath is weaker than mine so it takes less time to charge’ Morena growled and swung her claw [Raise dead]

She was a necromancer after all. Tens of zombies and skeletons rose from the ground, they merely formed from the ashes of those that Cain killed with the meteor so they were quite weak.

An arrow came flying toward Morena’s eye and hit her Nictitating membrane. When she looked around, it was Lisa and Daraku trying to get a cheap shot on her.

Swoosh! Sofia flew directly above Morena and swung a kick at her head, [Flame strike] [Immolation]

The kick landed dead center between Morena’s horns. Flames strike created an explosion while immolation ignited the flesh underneath her scales. Morena growled in pain, Sofia’s flames were not normal at all.

[Fire burst] [Lightning strike] Yamauba launched two spells at Xalari knocking him from Morena’s hand.

Thud! Thud! Selena rushed in and uppercut the falling lich. ‘I feel no resistance, I didn’t hit him’ Selena thought, Xalari flew upward to soften the impact of her punch.

[Disintegrate] Xalari tried to finish Selena off without wasting much MP he has started to realize that those girls spammed magic as if they had an endless supply of Mana which started to worry him. He had confidence in his Mana regeneration, but he didn’t want to go for a battle of attrition.

“In Amaterasu’s name, [Forbiddance]” Alice screamed, the spell [Forbiddance/Allowance] was a spell that allowed a mortal to ask a god to forbid something for a fraction of a second. It totally relied on the god responding. Alice had realized that the eclipsed red sky above their heads resembled the second nature of Amaterasu, which meant that they are in her domain now.

Gods can’t interfere in the mortal realm without using a human as a medium. The reason Amaterasu reached out to Alice with her prophecy was to make her a medium here. Now, even if it was for a split second, Amaterasu managed to interfere and cancel Xalari’s disintegration spell that almost killed Selena.

“ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!” Morena snapped, flapping her wings like a hummingbird, she blew them all away and flew to the sky.

Xalari too the chance to fly toward his little brother’s corpse and absorb it. Merging with the death knight, his body started to transform again. A jet-black robe dripped on his shoulder as darkness formed a greatsword in his hand.

With a grimoire in his left and a sword on his right, he had entered his last phase. Elder Lich King.

“Mortals, this is the day you perish!” He screamed, [Create greater undead] [Marshal undead] [Summon ghosts]. Xalari used the first ability to create tens of undead, the second one to give them resistance, and the third one summoned ghosts so they can support them.

Morena in the sky was charging her breath, she didn’t care if Xalari got caught in it or not. She intended to clear the whole area after what Sofia did to her head.

[Acid Breath] She breathed straight down.

[Earth dome] Yamauba used her defensive magic, [Protection from energy: Acid] Alice supported her by reinforcing the dome. [Fire shield] Sofia also created a layer of fire around the dome to add some protection.

Sadly, Daraku and Lisa were left outside as they were too far away.

Daraku looked up to the sea of Acid falling while Lisa brandished her knife at the legions of undead surrounding them.

“I guess this is the end for someone like me, At least Miko isn’t here,” Daraku said, giving up. At that moment, he saw a man standing mid-air.

Lisa looked up and her eyes opened wide, that white hair and blue eyes belonged to a single person. Yet there was something different about him, his figure seemed to shift and wiggle, he looked like a reflection on the water.

“CAIN!” He screamed.

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