
Chapter 57

Goblins’ waste room, their dump to be clear. A room where they dispose of their waste, bones.

The room stinks as high hell as it was filled with rotten corpses, mostly animals.

Selena had to closer her nose as it was too much for her, Sofia did want to throw up. Alice was unfazed, things like this didn’t seem to bother her devil body.

Cain quickly inspected the place, trying to find anything useful. He said useless but he was looking for the kid’s body or any signs of human bones.

He did find some, they mostly belong to adults or are too old to belong to someone alive yesterday. Those goblins must have been hunting on the road for months.

Cain pulled his two daggers, this was the time to use them. His longsword was too long for him to use comfortably inside the cave. He could use it to stab, but daggers were long enough to behead a goblin and they were lighter to swing!

Cain did the first thing anyone should do after entering a goblin cave, look out for traps. The room was mostly safe as it was just a dump, but the hole leading to the next room was more protected than the entrance itself!

It wasn’t an easy job but he managed to disable them all without making much noise. Taking a second look just to be sure, he didn’t want the girls to get caught.

He wasn’t belittling their abilities, It was just that the goblins’ traps were made nasty and he didn’t want to see an arrow stuck in any of his girls.

“Grrwaaa! Grwa!!” The goblins growled inside the cave as they were munching on a cow’s severed leg. Blood dripping from their stinky jaws.

Sofia held her breath as clenched her hand, fear and disgust were clear in her twisting face, she wanted nothing more than to blast them away!

Selena on the other hand looked calm, standing on all four, as she peeked from between Alice’s legs. She could feel the tingling under her fangs, only Cain’s words are stopping her from attacking.

Alice just stared at them, feeling nothing but pity, ‘Poor little creatures, to die because of their very nature!’. Looking around for Cain, he had gone invisible to get the first strike.

‘The moment I take one of them, you all act!’ Were Cain’s words.

As they waited in anticipation, one of the goblins lost his head!

“GOWA!” The goblins next to him exclaimed, his jaw dropped what meat was in it. The next moment he was taken down as well.

Selena rushed like lightning, punching a goblin in the chest with full force. She wasn’t going to hold back, all of her frustration is going to be emptied on them. With a quick movement, she crashed the skull of another one.

Alice was busily causing the corpses to rot away, while Sofia prepared her magic. At that moment Cain remembered that he forgot to tell Sofia to not use magic! Her fire magic made a lot of noise, enough to alert the entire cave.

BANG! [Firebolt] BANG! BANg! BAng! Bang! bang! ang! ng! g!…

It echoed in the entire cave, Cain could hear the goblins growling as they rushed to check what is going on.

“Selena! Stay behind me and kill those who slip from my grasp!” He continued “Alice and Sofia support us from the rear, a big wave is coming!” Cain’s sharp voice pierced their ears, quickly putting them into formation.


Cain’s two daggers got imbued with arcane magic, the right one was screaming while the other was crackling with lightning.

[Lesser empowerment], [Swiftness]

As the hordes of goblins emerged, they were crawling in groups of three to seven as they couldn’t all fit through the passage.

This was a chance to slaughter as much as he can, a swing to the left and another to the right.

He was an enchanter, his specialty is giving magical properties to non-living objects! That had included everything from weapons, armors, even to Sofia’s nails as they weren’t technically alive!

He was just as an expert with weapons as he is with magic. You can’t call him a master, but he was close. His [Enchanting] True power was still to bloom, he needed a larger poll of Mana as well as ample supplies of souls.

How did he enchant his soul then? It was a living thing, right? The answer was simple. When someone dies, their soul is considered dead as well. With enchanting, he was able to absorb and merge them into his soul.

Just as you could recharge your MP by sucking souls or drinking blood. This method didn’t regenerate his MP but increased Its max limit! The MP he has, he could start using higher-tier magic to constantly enchant his body!

For example, eight-tier magic [Mage’s last breath] gives a temporary physical boost to mages so they can run away if it gets too dangerous. If Cain had enough MP he could keep the magic constant, therefore getting a permanent boost!

Yet, right now he was too low level to be able to access those high-tier magic. He also didn’t have any enchanted tattoos on his body to use as a medium for absorbing souls.

Cain was getting absorbed in his thoughts, as he was faced with great numbers, his body instinctively tried to use attacks and moves that he couldn’t perform.

Right now, with his low strength, even if it got boosted with [Lesser empowerment], he can’t just kick a goblin across the room, they still weighed around 15~20 kg each! He also couldn’t slash the goblins’ bones well.

His body seemed slow compared to his reaction time, he could see an arrow coming yet his body is always late to deflect it.

Without knowing it, Cain was getting overwhelmed with sheer numbers.

“GAW!” Selena pulled Cain from his collar, saving him from a sure slash.

BAAM! Her punch shattered the goblin’s body, his spine burst from his back.

BAM! BAM! BAM! Selena was throwing punches left and right, each time she hits something, a loud cracking noise fills the cave!

Her knuckle dusters were smashing bones on each hit, unlike Cain, she had the speed and strength to deal with those numbers!

“GET! YOUR! HANDS! OFF! HIM!” With each word, she sent a goblin to the afterlife.

Alice was already emitting her devil aura, filling the entire room with [Decay magic].

Sofia had thrown her staff as it was useless to pretend to be a mage here, [Firebolt] Sniping any goblin that managed to escape.

Cain looked at the three girls wrecking the goblin horde, realizing his place, he was an enchanter, supporting them was his job! It wasn’t the reverse.

“Selena!” Cain shouted as he approached her, [Lesser empowerment], [Swiftness] after giving her a slight tap he back toward Alice.

“Listen, you’re technically my summon, don’t worry about running out of MP, you could always draw from me! Go all out” The last part was an order, he didn’t have time to explain to her what he meant.

“Sofia, act angry! Treat the goblins as if they are lower beings, I don’t have time to explain so just start shit-talking them!” Sofia was a witch with high charisma, It was a waste she isn’t using it for intimidation. If she started to act angry, her charisma will make her look like a terrifying monster.

Sofia didn’t have much time to think, she just went with what Cain said.

“You insects, burn to ash!” Her scream was kinda cute. Since her scream wasn’t directed at him, he wasn’t affected. It was a whole story with the goblins.

In the pitch-black darkness, their comrades are being smashed by an unknown intruder. Blood is everywhere, and then fire emerged! A bit far back, standing in the darkness, a figure was holding an orb of hellfire in her hand. Her maniac smile grinned to her ears, with crimson-glowing eyes.

“YOU INSECTS!” They couldn’t understand her words, their brains naturally comprehend it as the biggest of threats. All they could do is stare at her as she waved her hand with a crazy look on her face.

“BURN TO ASH!” They understood what she was talking about when they saw their friend get roasted alive. And instant death getting smashed was better than burning alive!

Suddenly, a large one appeared. It was a hobgoblin. Standing at almost 7 feet tall and with shoulders twice that of Cain, he was a literal giant, especially when being compared to other goblins who never got taller than 4 feet!

His aim was Selena, wanting to take her down, the hobgoblin swung a giant club at her. The club was the trunk of a small tree!

[Earth wall] Cain created a small stone pillar to block the strike. Selena took the chance and used the pillar as a jumping stone to get behind the hobgoblin.

She started hammering her fist at his back.

Before he could turn back, the first punch was heavy enough to drop him to his knees.

As she was killing the hobgoblin, the goblins tried to attack her but they were killed with the combined effort of Cain and Sofia.

Selena didn’t take long to break the hobgoblin’s spine.

After the prolonged battle, silence finally fell. there was not a single live goblin in sight!


Author note: Please read it if you have time!༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

So…I had a friend of mine read the whole script for this story, he was a trusted critic that has a wide range of experience, and he told me.

“You’re keeping a lot of important points hidden, It takes from the ability to enjoy the story, especially when you have thought this far ahead in the story!”

He simply wanted me to give more foreshadowing and lore about the system and the side characters.

He was screaming about Dolrig’s dark past and Mary’s story, saying that I should foreshadow everything beforehand!

What do you think? I just wanted to get your ideas!

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