
Chapter 66 - 66 - Prince George


Three weeks ago, I was invited by Prince George to look around town and watch the lantern festival. 


When I saw grandpa looking at me, I couldn\'t decline. As a princess, it will be rude to reject a prince with a higher rank and I don\'t want to cause any more trouble to the royal family.

During breakfast, I could see grandpa so lively and smiling. I felt at ease seeing him like that.

"So you\'re going on a date with George this afternoon?" Grandpa asked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "It\'s not a date grandpa. I just couldn\'t say no to the guy."

"Prince George has a good reputation, he\'s single and a gentleman. Did you ever consider another man beside Jayden?" Grandpa asked again.

I was surprised he suddenly asked me about it. He was never against my relationship with Jayden. This is the first time he actually asked me to consider another guy.

I looked at Kyle and he was just silently eating his breakfast. It\'s the same with Emily and Caden. As if they didn\'t hear a word grandpa uttered.

"Grandpa, I-I" I don\'t even know how to answer him.

I saw him take a deep breath and smiled.

"I just want you to be happy. If Jayden couldn\'t give you that, I have decided to meddle with your relationship. I wanted to see my grandchildren get married to the person who could love them and would never hurt them. Then I could die in peace."

I wanted to cry again. Thinking that one day grandpa will leave us, I feel like my heart will explode.

"Grandpa, have you tried consulting another doctor?" I asked, curiously and of course to change the subject.

"He\'s scheduled next week for a second opinion at Freya Hospital. Then next month, he\'ll fly to Houston. The number one hospital for cancer is located there." Kyle answered.

"You\'ll be cured. You\'re a survivor!" I told grandpa while holding his hand.

A servant came in the dining hall and announced that Prince George just arrived. I frowned. We\'re supposed to go after lunch, why so early?

Grandpa signaled to let him in and that\'s when I realized he asked him to come early. I glanced at Kyle again, he was looking at me but I couldn\'t figure out what he\'s thinking.

George came, looking fresh and neat. He was wearing casual clothes, a white shirt, blue denim pants and a white converse shoes. I could say he looks so hot and sexy with that outfit rather than wearing his royal robe.

What am I thinking? I have never been attracted to any other guy aside from Jayden. This is actually the first time I thought a guy was sexy. But this is not the right time for that.

"Good morning your majesty. Crown Prince, Crown Princess, Prince Caden and Princess Margaret. I apologize for disturbing your breakfast. I could come back later." He greeted.

I chuckled. "It\'s fine Prince George. Join us." I was amused by his politeness.

"Thank you princess." He smiled and sat down beside Caden.

"It would be nice if you could just call me Margaret or Peggy. I hate formalities." I said while giving him a sweet smile.

He glanced at grandpa and Kyle as if asking for permission.

"That\'s fine. Margaret didn\'t really use her title much and I think it\'s the best way to deepen your friendship, calling each other by name." Grandpa implied.

George politely nodded and turned to me.

"Then call me George." He said while smiling. His smile was so genuine, maybe that\'s the reason my heart feels light when I look at him.

We continued to chat in the garden while walking along a path full of flowers.

"You know Kyle always talked about you. For the past three years you went missing, he never missed a day worrying. He blamed himself saying he\'s not a good brother and that doesn\'t deserve to be the next king because he failed his sister. But Emily was a great support for him. I admire both of them. So when Kyle told us they found you, I was really happy and excited." George gladly uttered.

"I know. I feel guilty every time I think of what I did. I want to make it up to them, especially to grandpa." I answered. For some reason, I feel like I could open up to him.

"Now that you\'re here, you have all the time you need." He said, smiling.

"You\'re right. And I have some royal duties that were waiting for three years. I don\'t even know where to start." I giggled.

"If you need help, tell me. I\'ll be happy to be of assistance." George offered.

"Wow. Thank you! You\'re a lifesaver!"

We continued to walk in the garden and chat some more. We came across where the roses were and I was surprised when George picked one, kneeled in front of me, giving me the flower. As if we were kids, playing and having some fun.

I didn\'t feel awkward or anything. I was actually happy. I have never received a flower from Jayden so somehow it made me feel special.

I smiled and accepted it.

"Thank you, Prince George." Giving him a curtsy.

"My pleasure, Princess Margaret." He politely answered then bowed at me.

We laughed at our gesture and continued our chat.

It has been a week since we arrived in Flousia. George never missed a day visiting us after his royal duties and I feel like I found a new friend that I could easily talk to.

George never asked me about personal stuff. I didn\'t see any judgement in his eyes. I was already expecting that a lot will judge me, a princess who got pregnant at an early age then ran away from home and became a single mom. But George never said anything about it.

"George, why didn\'t you ask me anything about my son?" I suddenly asked. I was curious and I wanted to know someone\'s opinion about me.

He was surprised and paused for a moment. Then he took a deep breath and smiled.

"I never judge people by their past. We just started being friends a week ago and it would be so rude of me to ask about it. I am hoping that eventually you could tell me but if you don\'t like to talk about it, that\'s fine. The past is already in the past. What is important is the present you."

"How about we do a question and answer? You ask, I answer then I ask, you answer." I suggested.

His face became excited while nodding continuously.

"Sure! I liked that!" He exclaimed.

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