
Chapter 711 - So He Came Prepared

Chapter 711: So He Came Prepared

At first, Lin Jin thought the priest was merely expressing his anger. However, he soon learned that it wasn’t the case.

Black aura began to seep out from the cracks on the ground, forming what seemed like pillars of smoke.

Something was wrong, Lin Jin could feel it.

He invoked a spell and blew out a jet of transparent flames, which crashed forward like unstoppable waves.

The way Lin Jin released these flames resembled a fire-breathing dragon.

It was Lin Jin’s original spell, Dragonfire.

In the past, this was the spell Lin Jin used to defeat countless enemies. After constant practice, he became quite proficient in using it. At this point, the flames could cover an area of ten thousand feet, reducing everything in its path to ash.

This was Lin Jin’s response.

If the enemy was planning to do things the rough way, Lin Jin would respond in kind.

The priest from the Beast Deity Cult was startled. When he saw the flames sweep toward him, he roared and a strange scene unfolded.

Three beasts were launched from the priest’s body. There was a large scorpion, a brown-scaled snake, and a strange critter that Lin Jin couldn’t identify. It was a huge flat-bodied invertebrate with feelers everywhere.

This strange insect stood valiantly in front of the priest. When Lin Jin’s Dragonfire reached them, the flames failed to burn through the insect’s outer shell. As if that wasn’t enough, the insect then sprayed a watery mist that was able to extinguish the flames.

Lin Jin was shocked.

He was stunned for two reasons. Firstly, he was surprised that the insect was strong enough to subdue his Dragonfire. Secondly, he was surprised by the fact that the priest had three pet beasts.

Lin Jin could tell that he was able to control them through a blood pact.

So the Beast Deity Cult had a method that allowed an individual to form blood contracts with multiple beasts?

“Hmph! Are you surprised? Appraiser Lin, someone has told me that you’re the greatest beast appraiser across all continents. However, do you know what you are in the eyes of the Beast Deity Cult?”

The priest scoffed contemptuously.

“Nothing! You are nothing! The so-called beast appraisal methods you use aren’t worth mentioning. I’ll have you know that the blood contract methods used across the world have their roots in the Beast Deity Cult,” said the priest disdainfully.

Lin Jin frowned.

Blood contract cultivation had been around for two thousand years. It was so deeply rooted in human civilization that even commoners practiced it out of necessity.

All this while, there were many theories about its origin. The theory with the most support was that it used to be a branch of immortal cultivation. However, following the collapse of the immortal era, human beings continued developing this branch of cultivation.

However, after Lin Jin’s trip to the extraterritorial land where he met countless immortals and visited the two largest sects, he came to realize that the theory was inaccurate.

While there was a similar method in immortal cultivation, Lin Jin learned that it was poles apart from the method used by contemporary humans after studying it closely. This confused him.

What the priest claimed was certainly plausible, at least from Lin Jin’s perspective.

Still, it was a theory nonetheless.

Even if they managed to confirm that the blood contract cultivation came from the Beast Deity Cult, so what?

Were they powerful just because they were the creators?

That might not be the case. Lin Jin was a firm believer that students ought to surpass their teachers. What’s more, Lin Jin suspected that blood contract cultivation arose from a mix of different spell studies, rather than being the fruit of a single group’s labor.

That was why Lin Jin found the priest’s arrogance baffling and stupid.


Lin Jin had an epiphany.

The enemy was probably making such mindless claims not because he was an idiot, but he was trying to buy time.

As he spoke, the black smoke continued rising upwards, forming ominous clouds above their heads. It was so extensive that it blotted out the sun. The ten-mile-wide umbrella began to sink, forming something like a pot’s lid.

It covered not only Lin Jin but also the entire Grassy Continent army.

Lin Jin looked up and waved his hand. In a matter of seconds, Clear Wind Sword returned to his hand.

“Cut the sky!”

A razor-sharp Sword Energy was sent forth, creating a gap across the dark clouds that were at least ten thousand feet long.

However, the black clouds sealed the gap within a matter of moments.

Lin Jin wasn’t surprised. Clouds were formless, so it was impossible to cut them. However, at one point, Lin Jin was reminded of something by these clouds. He was also pondering why the enemy had put in so much effort to block out the sun.

Of course, he would never be afraid no matter the reason.

Lin Jin pointed at the priest. Clear Wind unleashed his cut toward him but this time, the Sword Energy was accompanied by fire energy. When the priest saw how Lin Jin didn’t buy his trick, sweat began to form on his forehead.

He knew he stood no chance against Lin Jin right now. Not even with three pet beasts on his side.

Their difference in power was too great that he had no means of closing this gap.

The mysterious act from earlier served only one purpose, which was to buy time. Of course, only he was aware of the reason why he needed that time.

For now, he could only speed up his spell. Aside from the strange bug that protected him, his other two pet beasts were to engage the enemy.

However, just as he expected, Lin Jin was too powerful.

It took just one slash.

Both his Rank 5 pet beasts were killed by Lin Jin’s Sword Energy.

Needless to say, Lin Jin hadn’t used his full strength. He was just probing the enemy. It quickly became apparent that he was superior, even with just Clear Wind Sword alone.

The priest was frightened but he steeled his heart. After all, he knew how crucial their plan was. The status he held was significant, exceeding even the rulers of premium countries. However, if the situation called for it, he would sacrifice everything to ensure their plan went smoothly. If he failed, he would either die at Lin Jin’s hands or be eaten alive by the masterminds of this invasion.

Success was absolutely necessary.

He took out a dagger and cut his palm. Fresh blood began to drip on the ground.

A large black formation appeared beneath his feet. The instant his blood made contact with the ground, it was sucked in by the earth.

The next instant, the black smoke flowed out at a much greater rate.

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