
Chapter 392: Jade Dragon’s Supreme, Well Deserved

Chapter 392: Jade Dragon’s Supreme, Well Deserved

The Jade Dragon Festival had now entered its climax. The entire Jade Dragon Temple was filled with the sound of folks shouting and chattering away. Everyone couldn’t care less about the fact that they were still in a place of worship.

While laymen enjoyed the show, connoisseurs reveled in Lin Jin’s artistry.

Compared to the palace officials and common folk, the beast appraisers from headquarters were the most astonished bunch.

When His Majesty picked the ‘Sleeping Dragon Stone’, they knew automatically that the worst-case scenario had arrived. Their worries were further fuelled by what they got when they discreetly appraised the five pet beasts who were led onto the platform.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that all five creatures were impossible to evolve.

Both Rank 2s only had average evolutionary potential. Technically, given several days and the help of medicinal supplements and spirit stones, Rank 2 and 3 beast appraisers could confidently allow these beasts to break through to a higher rank.

It was, however, practically impossible for them to appraise and evolve said creatures on the spot.

“Brother Tan, Lin Jin is incredible. I’ve appraised that horned tortoise and thought of an evolution method but it requires the use of expensive ingredients, and the success rate is only a measly thirty percent,” Chu Chenghe commented with a serious look on his face.

At headquarters, both Chu Chenghe and Tan Xun were at the same point on the pecking order. As highly respected Rank 3 beast appraisers, they were extremely experienced and very well-informed. In addition, Chu Chenghe was a somewhat prideful man. The fact that he said such a thing proved that Chu Chenghe acknowledged Lin Jin’s title as a Rank 3 beast appraiser.

Tan Xun responded with a bitter smile. “No, he’s not just ‘incredible’. Your focus was entirely on the two Rank 2 pet beasts just now. Did you not notice the other three Rank 1 hound beasts?”

“Huh?” Chu Chenghe was stunned.

Indeed, he had largely ignored the rest of the beasts. After all, no matter how he saw it, promoting a Rank 2 pet beast was much more of a challenge, so he couldn’t be bothered with the Rank 1 hound beasts.

Of course, Tan Xun had his reason for mentioning this.

And so, Chu Chenghe looked again and immediately understood what he was trying to say.

“Tha...ho-how is that possible?”

Chu Chenghe was astonished. He wasn’t even this bewildered after seeing Lin Jin promote two Rank 2 pet beasts to Rank 3.

The other beast appraisers followed his gaze. While the Rank 2 beast appraisers realized what had happened, the Rank 1 beast appraisers remained puzzled.

Then, Tan Xun asked, “You’ve realized it too, haven’t you?”

Chu Chenghe nodded with a look of amazement.

There was no need for Tan Xun to say a word more. That was enough. Even for the other appraisers who had noticed the peculiarity, the fact that their seniors remained silent meant that they wouldn’t make any comments either.

This simply frustrated those who noticed nothing at all.

Even then, they weren’t brave enough to ask about the situation either. Instead, they could only stand there and get suffocated by their curiosity silently.

As a Rank 3 beast appraiser, Yu Mantang could also tell that Lin Jin’s most astounding achievement today was not the promotion of the two Rank 2 pet beasts, but instead, it was the three Rank 1 hound beasts.

To be honest, Yu Mantang had never been convinced by Lin Jin’s skill. But now, no matter how reluctant he was to accept the truth, he had to admit that Lin Jin’s capabilities exceeded his by a stretch. He couldn’t even tell how Lin Jin evolved all these pet beasts. The only thing he noticed was Lin Jin patting them once.

Given that this happened to the top appraisers of headquarters, it was only natural that everyone else couldn’t tell how Lin Jin evolved these beasts either.

To His Majesty He Qian, the process wasn’t important. What mattered was the results.

And he was very pleased with said results.

Tremendously pleased.

Lin Jin’s skill as an appraiser was astounding, and that was enough. With this, his insistence on issuing the royal decree had been proven itself to be a remarkable move. It demonstrated that he had an exceptional eye for talent. No more, would his image be tarnished by allegations of nepotism.

More importantly, this incident had inadvertently raised He Qian’s evaluation of ‘Curator’.

Despite being only a mere disciple, Lin Jin’s capabilities were such that he could promote multiple pet beasts with ease. Just imagine how powerful Curator himself would be!

‘If we can have the man to promote one of our kingdom’s pet beasts to Rank 5, our nation will surely be able to rise again. I, He Qian, would carve my name into history for being the wise monarch who brought glory to our ancestors.’

Amidst his excitement, He Qian couldn’t resist saying, “Appraiser Lin’s exceptional skills is nothing but breathtaking. I am pleased. Bring me a brush and ink.”

Who would dare hesitate to carry out His Majesty’s command? A brush, ink, paper, and even table were brought over at once.

“Today, I’d like to bestow upon Appraiser Lin a scroll.” He Qian was in a pretty good mood today. Although Lin Jin felt it unnecessary, he couldn’t advise His Majesty against it.

Soon, He Qian picked up the brush and wrote down four words.

He Qian was himself a master at calligraphy. At the very least, Lin Jin found his artwork to be rather amazing.

The four words on the scroll read: Jade Dragon’s Supreme Appraiser!

Aware of He Qian’s intention, Great Eunuch Yao Sheng saluted Lin Jin with a smile. “Congratulations, Appraiser Lin. With the title His Majesty has bestowed upon you today, Appraiser Lin now officially holds the title of Jade Dragon Kingdom’s Supreme Appraiser. Please continue to serve the association and be the role model for many of our nation’s beast appraisers.”

Indeed, He Qian’s intentions were genuine.

Of course, he didn’t do this out of pure delight either.

As Emperor, how could he make decisions based on interest alone?

Some Emperors might do so, but He Qian certainly wouldn’t.

His reason was simple. He was trying to bind Lin Jin to the Jade Dragon Kingdom. He Qian was well aware that an individual of Lin Jin’s caliber could shoot for the stars now. Given his skill at beast appraising, and with the almighty Curator behind him, Lin Jin could afford to disobey His Majesty’s command if he so willed it.

He Qian wasn’t foolish enough to assume he could control everyone just because he was the Emperor. Not too long ago, he even had to live in cowardice behind the palace walls. That stubborn old jade dragon deity had been suppressing him all this while, forcing He Qian to stay in line. That curse in particular forced their royal family to continuously offer female offspring as sacrifices, and He Qian found that to be terribly humiliating.

Thankfully that was all in the past now.

He would strive to achieve prosperity for his nation from now on. He would rebuild the Jade Dragon Kingdom and the most crucial step to his goal was attaining a Rank 5 pet beast for the country.

This was the fundamental requirement before a nation could be labeled as a premium country.

Hence, he would bestow upon Lin Jin the greatest honor. ‘Jade Dragon’s Supreme Appraiser’ was the best he could offer, so from now on, Lin Jin would be tied to Jade Dragon Kingdom.

The Emperor’s action stunned many people. Apart from that, most were also envious.

This move put Lin Jin above all beast appraisers in the Jade Dragon Kingdom. Even veteran appraisers like Tan Xun and Chu Chenghe would be ranked below Lin Jin.

The emperor’s decree allowed no room for negotiation.

However, no one knew that both Tan Xun and Chu Chenghe agreed to the move as well. Not only did they not resist it, but they also thought Lin Jin was worthy of such a title.

Both veteran appraisers who once held the highest status in headquarters exchanged a glance, and it was clear that the same thing was on their minds.

They were thoroughly convinced by Lin Jin!

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