
Chapter 1455 - What Was Left Unread

Chapter 1455: What Was Left Unread

Lu Ning scuttled backwards in retreat, an intense fear gripping her heart. Blinking her almond-shaped eyes, she squeaked in a panicked voice, “Stay away! Don’t come any closer!”

She did not want to know how to use the – the things – in the green box!

Yin Zhihan perfectly sculpted physique loomed over her. In her state of abject terror, Lu Ning could have sworn that Zhihan’s mesmerizing form had gained a pair of curved horns and a long forked tail. Was this how she would be robbed of her innocence? Slinking around the bed with predatory grace, Yin Zhihan murmured, “It was you who entered the lion’s den. Since you’ve delivered yourself to my door, then forgive me for taking the initiative to end what you started…”

Only then did Lu Ning realize how reckless her actions were, entering another man’s room without an escort – and in the middle of the night to boot!

She should not have believed a word uttered by that forked tongue of his. He was no gentleman. No. He was a monster in disguise!

“Yin Zhihan, you said… you said we would watch the rolling waves. You said we would watch the break of dawn. D-don’t stray from your word.”

“Are you kidding me? We’ll have the chance to do that every day in the future, but now all I want is you. You are worth more than a thousand pieces of gold. Nothing else can compare!” Yin Zhihan leaned into her, pressing intoxicating kisses against her cheek.

Lu Ning’s eyes widened, and she struggled to push his much larger form away from her. “Yin Zhihan, that’s not what you said just now. You’re lying!”

Yin Zhihan quirked an eyebrow as he passionately nibbled her soft, succulent lips. “Baby, stop fooling around, okay? Already 24 and still a virgin? Aren’t you afraid of what others might think if word of it were to get out?” he muttered in a hoarse voice.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of! Unlike you, not everyone is a casanova!”

“Hush now… I wasn’t talking about you…”

Lu Ning froze. She stared at the man in disbelief. “You, you, you…!”

Yin Zhihan smiled weakly. “Hah… 24, and I still haven’t touched a woman. Isn’t it embarrassing?”

Was he still a… virgin?

This information was so disturbing that Lu Ning was rendered speechless. She did not expect him to be so… clean.

“That’s not possible. You’re lying! I saw you and Ela together. Your clothes were all over the floor…”

Yin Zhihan’s brows shot to his hairline. “I wanted to get close to Ann. Ann and Ela are good friends. What better way was there for me to get closer to her than through Ela? Ela was in on it too. She was on crack. The day I was at her place, Ela was so high that she wouldn’t have noticed anything, not even if a herd of elephants knocked her whole house down. Nothing happened between us.”

“I’ll say it again – I have standards, and they’re quite exacting. Other than you, no other woman has ever entered my eyes.”

It was too much to take in all at once. Lu Ning felt herself drowning under the weight of his words. Yet, before she had the chance to digest everything, a niggling voice whispered in her ear, “It’s alright if you want to laugh, Lu Ning, I won’t hold it against you. If you want to laugh, laugh to your heart’s content. I know you enjoy laughing very much.”

Lu Ning grappled with what he had shared with her, wrestling the tangled knots into submission. He was clean… He was clean!

“Ah Ning, close your eyes.” The low rumble of his rich tenor carried with it a bewitching quality.

Ensorceled by the command, Lu Ning closed her eyes.

Yin Zhihan’s lingering kiss deepened.

Their lips locked as one, their tongues teasing each other. Every breath they took was one they shared, every cycle blurring the boundaries between two separate entities. Lu Ning, lost in the ecstasy of their kiss, felt her whole body go numb. She fell sedately into his arms.

She felt the belt of her bathrobe come undone. A chill crept up her slender legs.

“Ah!” Lu Ning let out a soft cry, using her two slender arms to shield herself.

No man had ever – no man had ever seen her undressed before.

Yin Zhihan gazed upon Lu Ning’s exquisite figure that would have put a model’s to shame. It was as if a corona of light radiated from within her. Yin Zhihan always thought of himself as a talented young man with no equal, but there, in that room overlooking the tamed sea, he knew he had met his match. Lu Ning was a goddess made flesh, and he wanted nothing more than to worship her very existence.

“Ah Ning… You’re beautiful.”

Lu Ning’s skin was on fire, heightening every sensation and magnifying their effects a thousandfold. Her smooth, peach-coloured skin trembled with feverish energy. She reached out with her hands to cover his eyes and coughed bashfully, “You’re not allowed to look.”

“Okay, I won’t look. I’ll just kiss you.”

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