
Chapter 180 - The Crown.

Yang Dao rushed out of the store dressed up in all bravado. His appearance attracted a lot of gazes from the people. The boy, however, treated them like wind and kept walking outside. He was worried about getting late for the appointment with the premiere. 

He came to the front of the shopping mall where the pedestrians were arranged to enter and exit. As soon as he came out he saw a crowd gathered around a black car giving off a metallic luster under the sun. The winters were almost finished and spring has arrived in Jewel nation. 

Yang Dao walked through the baffled and bewitched crowd. He saw Ryu Jinshi standing near the car with a frown on his face. He walked up to the man and said, "Mr. Ryu, rein in your temper. Do not look down on the presence of others. For if they were not present you will be alone in this whole wide world, bored to death." 

Ryu Jinshi calmed down and was struck into a momentary daze as these words sounded in his ears. he then bowed to Yang Dao and said, "Thank you, for your enlightening words." The boy waved his hand. 

He asked, "Can I have the keys?"

Ryu Jinshi gave him the keys respectfully and then Yang Dao opened the door and sat inside the car. Ryu JInshi thought that the boy will now straightly depart. Contrary to his speculation Yang dao rolled down the window and called him, "Mr. Ryu, I have decided to treat Sister Yun and Babibai to some shopping, you please feel free to go inside and join them. Also, I hope you enjoy the time with them." with a smile on his face he started the car and left. 

The crowd was busy clicking pictures and recording videos f the beautiful car and equally handsome boy driving it. Ryu Jinshi scratched his head and walked inside the Shopping mall. He had never stopped, even at this moment he was wearing sports attire, he has always treated dressing up and stuff as a waste of time. But since Yang Dao asked him to do this then he must go inside.


Yang dao drove the car to the venue at a moderate speed. None of the other cars on the road dared to get close to him. The people were not that ignorant. A few ladies tried to drive closer but were stopped by their companions. One such lady asked her companions, "Hey why do you stop me? Is that car a royalty or something? Taking up so much space as if he owns the road." 

The companion had a layer of cold sweat and said, "My great-great-grandmother, please calm down. That car is worth billions or carat coins, okay. Just drive close and if you made a mistake, our generations will be sold in slavery to pay off the damage." 

How can women be so easily convinced? The companions showed them the details of Quinn on the internet. A lot of them were using the new mobile system developed by Dao Technologies. The sweet voice assistant delivered them the whole detail of the car they pointed their camera at. It was a feature of the Mobile OS, open camera and point at anything, then ask the assistant to tell you about the targetted item. TADA you have all the details on your fingertips. 

Yang Dao drove unaware of all this and soon he reached The Crown. His car was stopped five times before he even came to the front gate. The government takes a lot of precautions for this place. They had five check posts established at one kilometer each. Yang Dao showed his invitation card, and only after the confirmation and a thorough frisk of the vehicle was he let go to the front gate.

The palace was not like the usual architecture but it was as if a crown was placed on the ground. High pointed towers with a twin tower in the front and center the whole thing had a combination of glass and stone visible on the outside. It was truly very beautiful. Yang Dao parked his car in the visitor\'s parking. 

A guard wearing a black armor kit and carrying weapons on his body came over. He said, "Sir, we hope for your co-operation in the security checks. Do remember that we have the right to shoot you at any moment you act suspicious." 

Yang Dao nodded with a smile. He said, "I am a special recruit, Sir. I have been trained by the best of special forces. So, I understand what you mean. Please do not worry, you have my full cooperation." 

The guard nodded and led the boy to the security check. After 4 such checks and one full-body x-ray, he was let inside the palace. A lady dressed in blue pants and a white office skirt walked over. She looked to be in her thirties, but her body was healthy and well maintained. She smiled at Yang Dao and said, "Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience you had to bear with the security checks. Please follow me, Premiere Abraham is waiting for you in the garden."

Yang Dao did not register the second half of what the lady said. He asked, "Madam, did you just say that the Premiere is waiting for me?" 

The lady smiled even more brightly and nodded. She said, \'If the premiere did not know even this much courtesy, then is he really the premiere?" 

Yang Dao was almost going silly. To him, the Premiere was an elusive person he could have never met in his life. Yet here they were. The boy walked through the corridors of the building, looking around with curiosity. He would mumble something from time to time. 

Surprising the lady guide, she never expected that this boy had a nick for political history as well. Yang Dao sensed her surprise and said, "In the orphanage, the care taker, Sister Tina used to say. We only grow wiser when we learn from the past. So she used to make us read books and case files. Thus I have a slight knowledge." 

The lady nodded and said, "She must be a wise lady." 

"Indeed." said Yang Dao as he revealed a proud spark in his eyes. The two people arrived at the central garden in the palace. This place was located within the centre of the place. This garden was the hub of the palace. In the center of the garden, a pavilion was covered with green vines, giving of a transcending vibe. Below the vine shed sat a man in a rocking chair, in front of him laid a trolley with a complete tea set and some snacks. 

This man was the Premiere of the Nation, Abraham Lewis. 

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