
Chapter 78 - Car God?

Kaya almost fainted with the rest of the cadets. Yang Dao actually treated a real gun similar to a toy gun. Only after a few moments did, they take back their gawking eyes. The instructor spoke, "Okay, so Cadet Yang Dao won." 

She cast a gaze towards Icarus who said, "I have no objection, Madam. I can hit the target alright, but the bull\'s eye? That is not happening."

Kaya nodded, and she picked up a silver gun from the table. It was the same as the death star 01, they used just now, except for the color. She said, "This is a moment model. It can shoot rubber bullets. I repeat, rubber bullets only. Use a real bullet and it will burst open. You can think of it as a toy. This is your reward Cadet Yang Dao." she handed the toy gun to Yang Dao. 

The boy held the gun in his hand and felt that the weight of the gun was like that of the real one he just used. He raised his head at Kaya, who gave him a sneaky thumb gesture to look behind her. In a distance, Laohu Bai stood with a smile on her face and nodded to him. It was obviously her who asked Kaya to pass him the gun under the ploy of a toy gun. 

He held the gun, asked her later about it. Kaya also passed him a decorative holster. To make it look normal, they have distributed a silver model gun to every top gunner in every batch of 30 students. There were at least 24 squads undergoing training together with 15 students in squads.

The gun had a decorative pattern engraved on it. A smile emerged on Yang Dao\'s face as he looked at the pattern. It was a white tiger crouched along with the slide. It looked very elegant. The boy tied the holster around his waist. Kaya took over to teach them all how to disassemble and assemble the same model handgun. This was also an important part, the better you know the weapon, the better you handle it.

She said before parting, "In next class, I will test you on disassembling the weapon and assembling it. The winner will get to use a rifle once under my supervision. The one who can do complete assembly and disassembly in the lowest time will win. So I hope you all do practice this inside your minds. Now dismissed."

Yang Dao saluted and his squad followed. Icarus and his squad also saluted before they parted with the smiling instructor. Kaya watched them all go back for lunch. She turned back and walked to Laohu Bai. 

After reaching she asked, "General, why did you allow that smart kid to have a real gun? Also, he is an excellent shooter. Please tell me who is he?" her voice was filled with curiosity, her eyes were sparkling as soon as she smelled gossip.

Laohu Bai smirked and said, "Feng Yang Dao, rings a bell?" as she turned away to leave. 

Kaya opened her mouth big enough for a quail egg to fit within. She was surprised to know the identity of the smart kid. Then she calmed down, "No wonder he is so good." she sighed and followed the white-haired general. 


During the meal, Yang Dao again helped his squad mates to understand some things they did not understand. Such as the reason behind his stance, squeezing the trigger, and other stuff. His gun was loaded with rubber bullets. He generously taught them with it. The bullets did not produce a big sound either. The recoil was almost negligible. The squad leader did not allow them over two shots. Just get the feel of squeezing and not get used to the low recoil.

The day was followed by an obstacle course run and strength training. In the evening, instructor Talen took them to the forest. They were taught how to set traps, locate a source of water, medicinal herbs, etc.


Day 3, morning. 

After showering and putting on a clean uniform. The squad was ready to work the whole day. They all gathered at the training ground, standing at attention, looking sharp. Instructor Victor walked over and nodded as he said, "Now, you guys look the part of Military. Just the part, I mean."

He glanced at their straight faces and nodded again. He then continued, "One of the most basic skills one needs in the army is driving a car. You learn that from me today. As for the adventurous skills, I will show you in later classes. Now, follow me."

The smiling hunk led them to a track. On the side stood a pair of military jeeps. The road had cones placed on it. He pointed to the jeep and said, "That will be your ride today. Now, who can tell me what is the name of that jeep?"

Yang Dao said loudly, "Report."

Victor smiled and said, "Go on Cadet."

Yang Dao spoke, "The manufacturer is called Chariots, this model is War Horse. Specialty is consistent performance even in extreme terrains. Tire change and you can have it running through plains, mountains, and deserts. High clearance chassis, 3ltr engine. Top speed 120 kph. Can carry a load of 4oo kg. Easy to maintain. Produced 10 years ago and is currently the longest commissioned model in the Jewel Nation army. Even the Crypto nation demands it, but the manufacturers refuse to sell the blueprints."

Victor could not help but clap for the detailed introduction he just heard. He asked, "Report your full name, Cadet."

Yang Dao knew his name has now changed in the school records so he replied, "Feng Yang Dao, Sir."

A tinge of surprise flew across everyone\'s face except for Icarus and Kiya, who met with Feng Yun at his house a few nights ago. They all thought that Yang Dao was an orphan. Guess he would have to lie and cover this up. Victor was also surprised at this, but he regained his composure. He nodded and asked, "Have you ever driven a car before Cadet Dao?"

Yang Dao shook his head as he replied, "Never sir."

Victor nodded slightly, and he said, "So first we separate those who have driven a vehicle before and those who have not. The former is on my left while the latter is on my right."

The cadets separated as instructed. Victor tossed a key to Icarus on his left and said, "Cadet, you are also a squad leader so, you will overlook them driving the jeep. I expect no scratches. What you have to do in this segment is to follow the driving signs. For example, you see those cones in a straight line? You drive in a zigzag through them. Understood?"

Icarus nodded and said, "SIR, YES, SIR" Victor motioned them to go while he took the others to the second jeep. It was an open-top model for better demonstration. Victor sat in the driver\'s seat as he introduced the 6 students to the vehicle. Starting with the pedals, steering wheels, he covered everything a driver needed to know. 

He then pointed at a random part and asked the cadets to recount what that thing was and what were its uses. The cadets followed. There were some slip-ups, but it was satisfactory. Then he taught them how to drive. This vehicle was equipped with a teacher\'s brake, so every time the cadets overshot the accelerator or were about to move out of the road, Victor would miraculously rescue them. 

Yang Dao waited for his turn as he watched the already experienced students running through the obstacle course. He would close his eyes to imagine how they would handle the controls to make the vehicle move like that. Soon, Victor called him to take the driver\'s seat. The boy calmed his excited heart and got in the car. 

His hand caressed the steering wheel to get a feel. He held the steering wheel from the center on both sides. Releasing his right hand, turned the ignition key. The vehicle shook, and it started. Placed his hand back on the steering wheel, pressed the clutch with his left foot, his left hand held the transmission rod, put the car into first gear. 

Releasing the clutch while pressing the accelerator. All of this was done slowly yet smoothly. Victor nodded and asked him to take the car around the open road for a spin to get a feel. Yang Dao nodded and did as instructed. His operation was smooth to the extreme. Victor was impressed, he did not press the brakes even once. 

He said, "How about it Cadet Dao, would you like to take her down the obstacle course?"

Yang Dao asked, "Can I go faster, Sir?"

Victor nodded, they both had seatbelts on, and for an extra precaution, he placed his hand on the power brakes. He said, "Wait for them to finish one round and then you take it."

Yang Dao drove the car near the starting line of the obstacle course and waited. Soon, the other vehicle returned, Victor told them to wait and signaled the boy beside him to start. 

What happened next was a shock to Victor. The boy next to him started the car, shifted the gears quickly, and the car shoot up to 40 kph. Yang Dao completed the zigzag in almost five seconds, followed by an S curve, U curve. sharp cornering, parallel parking, reverse driving, mound climbing, and descend. The whole course was completed within 10 minutes. The fastest score in the day. 

The others were shocked. Icarus sighed and said to the rest of the students, "Do you believe me if I say this kid is a monster in a human body?"

The students replied, "Sir, yes, sir."

The girls pouted, one of them said, "You guys are jealous that he is a natural car god, while you people are not. Humph, jealous of our Dao. You can die. Jealous Dogs." their intense reaction made the boys sigh as they shook their heads at them. 

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