
Chapter 104 - It's Really Not Easy For Karen

Chapter - 104

"Can\'t you guys do one thing right? Do I have to spoon-feed you on every step of your work?" Karen scolded while the lady stood in front of her with her head hung low.

"Here, Go back and do it again," Karen tossed the file back on the table and asked the lady to leave. The lady also didn\'t waste time. She grabbed the file in one swift movement and walked out from there as fast she could.

This has been the scene in the office since morning. Karen has been on a rampage since she got to work. She has been going around scolding the ladies over trivial affairs. Even Jennifer was not spared from the sarcasm.

\'Don\'t you think the way she is acting is rather violent than usual? It\'s at least up by a notch or two of what we are used to,\' Hazel wrote on the department chat group, but this time they were attentive enough to start the chat on the group Karen was not a part of.

\'Yeah, do you think it\'s because of her husband, again?\' Jennifer wrote. She usually avoids talking about others, but today Jennifer was the victim of Karen\'s wrath as well. Now she understood why people would want to talk behind someone\'s back.

\'Maybe, but it is not a new thing, and I have never seen her act like this before,\' Ellaine wrote back immediately.

\'Why is she living with a douchebag like him? Why not divorce him and move on? She is a beauty. Men will line up to be with her. Haven\'t you guys seen Alex act like a puppy in front of her?\' Amber finally stepped in.

When they read what Amber wrote, everyone laughed and agreed with her.

\'Yeah, but don\'t you remember how bold he was with Karen last time?\' Hazel wrote.

\'Exactly, he even brought her husband into the mix,\' one of the ladies wrote.

\'I kind of miss him now. How do you think he is doing there?\' Hazel asked.

\'I am sure he must be flirting with someone over in the legals, enjoying his time there,\' Ellaine wrote.

\'Will you let it go now? Seriously it has gone way too long. And you were the one who initiated it, remember?\' Hazel wrote. She had had it enough. She had no idea what Ellaine was trying to achieve from bringing up that night every now and then, but everything has a limit. You can\'t just keep on stretching a rubber band way past its breaking point. It will snap eventually. And the same was happening with Hazel\'s patience with Ellaine over this.

"Well, let\'s just hope everything gets sorted soon," Jennifer wrote before anyone could say anything more and brought the conversation to an end.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

While a discussion was brewing outside, the lady in question, Karen, with a file in her hand, was lost in thoughts, musing over something.

She was not like this. She may be strict with the ladies, but they knew she meant well. But today was different. Today, she was out there nitpicking on them and using her subordinates to vent out her anger, which was not like her at all. When she looked outside, it was not like the usual scene. The ladies were at their desks, not even looking away from their screens. The usually lively atmosphere was gone, and she felt guilty about her behaviour.

"Huh..." Karen sighed. Things have not been going well with her. The workload for the past week was more than enough to drive her insane, and her husband was no help either. Even though she persisted through that, the incident with Alex was still weighing on her. It had only been a day, yet she wanted to see him, apologise and make amends with him. Every now and then, she would get an update from Daniel, but Alex has not contacted her since yesterday. And if that was not enough, her husband blew away much of their savings yesterday in some investment, again.

\'No normal person would be sane after this, would they?\' Karen thought as she mused over her miserable life, \'Why, mom? Why?\' Karen blamed her mother.

Well, it was not going to change her life, and all she could do was look forward. Without delaying it anymore, she walked out of her cabin. Everyone was busy staring at their screens without as much as a squeak. Karen smiled. She knew how hardworking they were, and it was already taking a toll on their butts to sit at a place without moving an inch. She clapped her hands to get the attention of all the ladies, "Listen up, everyone!" Karen called out to them in a cheerful tone.

Hearing Karen, the ladies turned their heads in her direction, hoping for another round of scolding, but the smile on Karen\'s face had their hearts at ease.

When she got everyone\'s attention, Karen continued, "I know, you guys must have a lot of questions. \'What\'s wrong with her?\' \'Why is she bossy all of a sudden?\' \'Is she on periods?\' And much more. First of all, I would like to apologise for my behaviour." Karen apologised.

Ellaine nodded. She did think about the period angle to her temper.

"There is no need for you to apologise, chief. We understand that you might be getting frustrated by all the work we need to do," Jennifer tried to downplay everything from this morning.

"It\'s true that I have a lot on mind. But so does you, and that does not give me the right to vent out my frustration on you guys. So as an apology, we are going out for lunch. It\'s on me," Karen, to everyone\'s pleasure, announced, "Wind up your work. We will leave in five."

"YAYY!" Listening to Karen, a wave of happiness flew among the ladies.

"ALL Hail the Chief".
"ALL Hail the Chief".

"ALL Hail the Chief".

"ALL Hail the Chief".

The Ladies, brimming with happiness, began to chant slogans in appreciation for Karen.

"Enough of this now. Let\'s go" Amused Karen, stopped them and walked out of the office, followed by everyone else.

* * * * *

Ellaine, Jennifer, Hazel and the others followed Karen to the restaurant in front of Theation. This was their frequent hangout place during lunch, and if they could not make it, they ordered takeout as well. Since they were a large group, they sat on one of the larger tables at the sides.

The waiter took their order, and soon, the food was served. They had just busied themselves in eating that the Sherlock of the group, Ellaine exclaimed in surprise, getting the attention of everyone at the table.

"What happened?" Hazel asked.

"It looks like you have seen a ghost," Jennifer said looking, at the bulging eyes and astonished look on Ellaine\'s face.

"You can\'t call him a ghost. No ghost is that handsome," Ellaine whispered. She was visibly surprised.

"Will you tell us now what happened?" Hazel asked as she looked around, trying to find what made Ellaine go nuts.

"Isn\'t that guy Alex?" Ellaine asked, pointing with her finger.

Hearing Ellaine, every head on the table turned to look in the direction she pointed. Even Karen looked that way curiously.

"Indeed, it\'s him," Jennifer nodded.

"But who is he with?" Someone from the group asked.

"Isn\'t she the lady we met in his house?" Jennifer said, "I think Margaret was her name." Jennifer remembered it well.

"Look at them. There is definitely something cooking between them," Ellaine said, blurting out her suspicion in front of everyone, "Didn\'t I tell you that he must be enjoying somewhere with a woman? See, while we are working our butts off, he is on a date."

"What do you think, Chief?" Hazel turned towards Karen to ask.

"I... I... don\'t think..." Karen wanted to deny what Ellaine said, but she was interrupted by Ellaine.

"How would she know anything? She is not his mother. Let me go and ask him myself," Ellaine said and stood up to leave.

"I will also go" How could Hazel be left behind.

"Both of you sit back and have your lunch. If you don\'t want to, let\'s go back to the office. We have a lot of work to do". Karen stopped Ellaine and Hazel from creating a scene in public.

"Chief," Ellaine and Hazel tried to protest, but Karen was firm.

"Am I not clear enough?" Karen said as she looked sternly at the two of them.

"Yes, Chief" Ellaine and the others nodded and sat back in their seats.

\'Why are you making it hard for me?\' Karen looked at Alex one final time before she concentrated on her food.

* * * * *

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