
Chapter 2 - Giving Myself A Chance

Megan\'s POV

I couldn\'t believe the hot quarterback of our school will be drinking coffee inside the café that I am working at, and this is the first time that I have seen him here. I couldn\'t stop myself from being conscious because of how many times I caught him staring at me, and I am just glad that there are many customers at the moment, and I am busy preparing their order, or else I will spend my entire time blushing in front of him and his friend. And I hate to think that they took the table near the counter. And I notice a lot of girls from our school are looking in his direction.

"Wow, I couldn\'t believe that the football prodigy will be here at this hour. And I think when Ashton told you he doesn\'t take no for an answer, it only means he was breaking his own rule for not asking a girl twice." Alice whispered in my ear, and I gave her my sweetest smile.

"Stop your Illusion, Alice, and help your best friend here to avoid the filthy rich student of our school," I replied in a low voice since I was afraid Ashton would hear us talking about him.

"Come on, Meg, don\'t tell me you are saying no again?" He asked me, and I nodded my head, and my best friend gave me a hard stare.

"Look, Alice, Ashton Pritzgold can never win me over no matter how charming he is because I know he will never pay attention to someone like me unless he has something playing on his mind right now," I replied, and our hushed voice is making me feel guilty that we are discussing the hottest guy on our campus.

"Can you tell me, what would be the possible reason that he asked me out?" I asked.

"Because you are smart, and you have a natural beauty of your own, besides you will look hotter if you try wearing sexy clothes sometimes, you always cover your beautiful legs with long dresses and pants. For once, try wearing miniskirts and dangling blouses. I mean, you have to show off your real assets, Megan." She said, and I furrowed my eyebrow at her.

"I don\'t care what they are going to say about my dress code because I am comfortable with what I am wearing, and doesn\'t bother me if he dated sexy cheerleaders, Alice, because I don\'t have any plan of competing with them," I replied as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Okay, have it your way then. I am just giving you some advice because you will look hotter if you change a bit, but I am not telling you to overdo it, and you don\'t realize how sexy you are." She said, and I couldn\'t contain my smile.

"You don\'t need to praise me, Alice, because no matter what happened, you will always be my best friend, and I know how much you care for me. And thank you for always giving me your moral support." I declared, and she looked at me intently before she speaks.

"For your information, Megan, I didn\'t praise you because I am trying to boost your confidence, but I am telling you the truth. And it is all up to you if you will listen to me or not." She replied, and we fell silent again when another batch of customers ordered three orders of Americano, one Cappucino, two Mocha, and one Matcha Latte.

After serving the order of my latest customer, I feel my heart is racing again, and I can feel the rapid beating of my heart as I look at Ashton stood up from his chair and walked towards the counter. And I almost forgot that he was still there because I got so busy entertaining the customers. I tried my best to stay focus and calm, but the way his eyes looked at my face, I couldn\'t stop my legs from shaking, and I can feel that my hands are trembling. I hate to admit that he has this kind of effect on me. That is why I don\'t want to date him because I know I will become a fool once I date the football superstar in our school.

"Megan, what time will your shift end?" He asked with too much confidence, and he is towering over me. I can tell even if I am taller than the average girls in school, Ashton Pritzgold is tall, and I think he stands six feet two inches tall, and he has a muscular body of an athlete that all girls will be drooling over him. That is why many girls will watch him on the campus ground during practice every after class, hoping they can take a glimpse of his hard rock six-pack abs.

"And why do you ask me?" I asked, trying to look irritated, but deep inside my heart, I can feel my heart is trying to get out of my chest because of the happiness that I felt, and I became more frustrated that he didn\'t even care if I give him a cold treatment.

"Nothing, I just want to wait for you because I will take you home." He said, and I heard Alice gasped. And I became speechless because my heart and mind betrayed me this time. I can\'t help myself thinking how it would feel to ride with him in his sports car. I couldn\'t believe my dream will come true at this very moment because I have been dying to be with him in his sports car. But I tried my best to look calm and raise my head and look at his tantalizing eyes. And even if he isn\'t smiling, his eyes are smiling at me, and I felt like his charm hypnotizes me that I lost my ability to speak.

"Megan\'s shift will end two hours from now, and it would be great if you will take her home, Ashton, because she always complained that it took her a long while to get home. After all, she\'s always late for the bus and needs to wait for the next one. Don\'t worry, because she told me a while ago that if you will ask her to go with you, then she would be willing to ride with you." Alice answered for me, and I kicked her on her leg because I couldn\'t believe that she will say something like that.

"Hey, I never said that, Alice." I declared, and I can\'t hide my anger towards my best friend, and when I look at Ashton\'s face, he was grinning from ear to ear, and I can see the amusement on his handsome face. And he turned his head and looked at my friend smiling.

"Thank you, Alice, for being honest. See you later then, Megan." He said, and then he turned his attention to me, and he winked at me before he spun around and got out of the cafe at once while I couldn\'t believe what just happened.

"How could you do something like that to me, Alice? I thought you are my best friend, and I wonder what made you suddenly change your loyalty towards Ashton?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, I am just helping you, Megan. I know how much you are trying to protect your heart, but come on, we are now in our senior year, and it is about time for you to have a love life. I understand you are afraid that he is going to break your heart, so what? At least the one who will break your heart is someone handsome, intelligent, hot, the most popular in school, then at least you have all the right to be broken-hearted. Unlike some girls over there who spent their time crying over with a douchebag." My best friend declared, and my mouth hanging open, but no words came from my mouth because I can\'t disagree with her.

"Besides, you have been crushing him from seventh grade until now, and I think this time give your heart a chance, Megan. You are an outstanding student, but you never experienced what it feels to be kissed." She said, and my face turned crimson.

"Meg, I am sorry. I know I should never middle with your personal affairs, but I want you to be happy." Alice said when she noticed I didn\'t speak at all, and I turned my head towards her, and I smile at her.

"It is fine, Alice, you were right, I want to have a chance with Ashton, but I am just so afraid of what will happen later. I am so scared of getting hurt because I have never been in a relationship. And I think in the entire campus, I am the only one who has no experience in dating. And I know a lot of our classmates keep on changing boyfriend almost every month while I remain single." I said.

"Don\'t worry, Megan, I am sure Ashton is serious about you because I can see it the way he look at you," Alice replied.

"Do you think so?" I asked her, and she nodded her head at me, and I couldn\'t stop myself from smiling.

When my shift ended, I couldn\'t contain the nervousness that I feel as I change my uniform into my pants and blouse. And then I said goodbye to Alice since she was waiting for her boyfriend, Llyod, to pick her up. He was older than us by one year since he graduated last year, and he is now in college.

As I walk to the parking lot, I can feel the butterflies on my chest when I saw Ashton leaning on his sports car. When he raised his head, he gave me his sweetest smile that made my entire face blushed, and I wish I made the right decision tonight to provide Ashton with a chance to know me, as I give myself a chance to know him as well. And I felt so uneasy when he opened the passenger\'s door for me, and I realized there is no turning back.. I officially give myself a chance to date the most popular guy in our school.

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