
Chapter 111: Order

Chapter 111: Order


Editor- Koneko, Proofreader-Ghostie

Although the man tried his best to keep the volume of his speech down, his tone was anxious and he was talking very fast.

Wei Fuyuan recognized the words “you can’t do this” and “you’ll die”, but he couldn’t understand the rest of the words because it was in a dialect that he was not familiar with.

The man talked for a long time with no success, and in the end failed to convince the woman to change her mind.

During this process, the beautiful woman who looked very much like Bei Quan did not refute, but lowered her eyes silently— like a clay puppet sculpture, her expression indistinguishable between joy and sorrow.

The woman’s expression was very calm, it could even be called “indifferent”, but somehow, Wei Fuyuan felt that this expression was very familiar.

——Yes, he saw the same expression on Bei Quan’s face.

Wei Fuyuan thought.

——She must have made up her mind.

In the next second, Wei Fuyuan saw the woman raise her hand.

She patted the chestnut-haired man on the back.

The man closed his mouth in an instant as if he had been hit by a Fixation Spell, and stood upright in place.

The woman rested her hand on his back and “led” him to the door.

They quickly walked out of Wei Fuyuan’s sight, but he heard the sound of the door opening, and then the door closing.

The room fell into silence.

Somehow, Wei Fuyuan felt an overwhelming and inexplicable tension hit him.

At this time, the woman returned but this time, she was alone.

She went straight towards the altar, twisted three sticks of incense, lighting them from the already lit candle, and respectfully inserted them into the centre.

The smoke curled and twirled up in the air, but did not dissipate inside the windless room.

Wei Fuyuan’s vision became increasingly blurred and he struggled to see properly.

It was from here that he had a strange feeling in his heart, as if the smoke had an inexplicable attraction to him. This made him concentrate on the three burning red incense sticks, and he didn’t notice the woman begin practising magic.

A murmuring chanting sounded.

Wei Fuyuan was still fixated on the three lights of the incense, and kept staring at them.

He was fully unaware of the environment around him, and he didn’t notice that the smoke that had been looming all across the room had just now risen vertically due the sound of the mantra, and rolled into a vortex towards the roof, slowly circling in a clockwise direction, lingering negatively.

Wei Fuyuan felt his eyes gradually become more hazy.

He had an illusion as if he was getting closer and closer to the three incense sticks, and before he knew it, he was already close enough to touch them.

——Fuck this is not an illusion!

In shock, Wei Fuyuan finally found a trace of clarity.

He found that “he” was really close to the three incense sticks, rather than the table as a whole.

Wei Fuyuan’s brain conjured up the picture for his current posture— he felt that he was hanging upside down from the roof, with his head hanging 30 cm directly above the table.

What made Wei Fuyuan even more astounded was that, at such a close distance, he finally saw what was in the bamboo basket wrapped in the yellow silk.

——It turned out to be a wrinkled baby!

Only half of the baby’s small face was buried in the yellow silk, and he didn’t cry or make any noise at all. He made no movement. His small hands curled up beside his cheeks were as white as paper, and they didn’t appear to be alive in any way.

——It’s a dead baby!

——She is borrowing the corpse to bring back the soul!

At this moment, Wei Fuyuan’s brain felt like it was shot with a thunderbolt.

At the same time, the woman pierced the ring finger of her left hand with a needle, squeezed out some blood beads, drew a spell onto a blank yellow piece of paper, and then placed it close towards the candle before setting it on fire.

Ashes fell and piled up slowly on the incense table.

The woman’s knees suddenly weakened without a warning and she collapsed.

At the moment when the woman fell to the ground, Wei Fuyuan felt that the invisible “rope” that “tied” him suddenly broke, and he suddenly fell with his head facing downwards.

The sense of weightlessness made him conditionally close his eyes.

In the next moment, he heard a soft and weak cry, like a cat’s meow.


“Yi, Yi…”

That was the cry of a baby.


“Xiao Wei, come back to your senses.”

Bei Quan’s one-hand supportively held onto Wei Fuyuan’s body,? and the other hand made a gentle slap on his cheek.

Wei Fuyuan opened his eyes, but they seemed very confused. His lips faintly opened and closed, squeezing out two syllables with difficulty, “Bei Quan ……”

“Yes, it’s me.”

Bei Quan answered in a low voice.

Wei Fuyuan propped up on the bed with one hand and sat upright.

“You …… you possessed a dead baby?”

His gaze was fixated on Bei Quan’s pretty face— it was hard to believe that such beautiful skin and the inner “soul” were so mismatched.


Bei Quan nodded.

“As you just saw, I’m not ‘Bei Quan’ himself at all.”

Seeing Wei Fuyuan’s eyes open with a surprised and bewildered expression, Bei Quan decided to explain things in more detail.

According to Bei Quan’s explanation, his physical body, biological mother, and family had some peculiar origins.

Although her family was from? the southwestern border, the? family were involved in Daoist arts that had been passed down for seven hundred years— being proficient in charms, divination, and fortune telling. Her ancestors had also served several lords within their lineage.

In her generation, the head of the family was the eldest uncle of Bei Quan’s physical body’s mother, who was very open-minded, and the discipline of his children was not as strict as it had been before.

Although Bei Quan’s physical body’s mother had also learned some of the ancestral arts and charms, she did not intend to make a living out of these skills. Instead, after graduating from college, she studied abroad and pursued to learn the history of world art, which was not related to the clan’s heritage.

The romantic art girl met a mixed-race Chinese-American young man while studying abroad, and the two quickly fell in love.

Only this time, the patriarch who had always been open-minded, that was, the girl’s uncle, became a feudal patriarch and completely opposed the two from being together.

Her uncle told her that the couple were not destined for each other as they had clashing personalities. In fact, his predictions showed that they were meant to be enemies. If they forcefully tried to be together, they would be plagued by disasters, and their descendants would be harmed. The marriage would bring disaster to the whole family, and one of them would end up dead. In fact, there would be no peace unless one of them dies or the bad luck would not dissipate.

But the girl was truly in love with the man. Despite the opposition of her uncle and the other elders, she took her fiancé back home.

The two soon had a child as the crystallisation of their love.

As her uncle had predicted, the girl fell unexpectedly when she was seven months pregnant, and the fetus within her womb was unfortunately born prematurely. Due to congenital deficiencies, less than a week after the birth, because of aspiration pneumonia, the baby unfortunately died.

As a new mother, the girl was devastated.

She thought of the destiny that her uncle had given her and her fiancé— a disaster that would haunt their bodies and harm their children and grandchildren, and that they would end up widowed, or else there will be no peace unless one of the couple dies or the bad luck will not go away.

This meant that she and her beloved could never have a child, and sooner or later one of them would have to die leaving the other widowed.

Bei Quan’s birth mother made up her mind and secretly brought her dead son’s body home.

Although she did not intend to inherit the family business and did not learn the art, she did understand some of the magic, and as the eldest daughter of her generation, she had been praised by her elders for her intelligence and talent.

The girl knew how to “summon a soul”.

She came up with a way to change her fate against all of the odds.

She wanted to recall her son’s 3 immortal souls and 7 mortal spirits to bring him back to life from the dead.

The cost of doing so was “a life for a life”, using her own life to exchange and sacrifice herself for her own son’s life ……

“Uh ……”

Hearing this, Wei Fuyuan finally understood what was happening in the scene that he saw within Bei Quan’s memory.

But, there was one thing that he still couldn’t understand.

“But …… your mother …… no, I mean, the real mother of this body of yours, it is her son’s soul that she tried to summon, right?”

Wei Fuyuan looked puzzled, “…I remember, you said that it’s been 650 years since you died?”

Wei Fuyuan’s history knowledge was very general, and without using Baidu, he only vaguely remembered that around six hundred years ago it would have been the Yuan Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty.

Bei Quan had a very handsome appearance, and appeared to be in his twenties at most. Something that made Wei Fuyuan slightly confused was that the clothing of the man and woman that he saw in the other party’s memory seemed to be modern, so the “summoning of the soul” certainly could not have been from the Yuan or Ming dynastys, right?!

“Could it be…”

Wei Fuyuan swallowed nervously.

“That’s right.”

Bei Quan nodded, the corner of his mouth twitched, as he finished the second half of the other party’s unspoken sentence:

“I’m not her son, she actually ‘summoned’ the wrong person.”

Bei Quan’s physical body’s mother was indeed a poor student of her craft.

The “soul-summoning technique” she thought she was using was actually closer in a sense to the “divine descending technique” that Bei Quan had used on Wei Fuyuan.

Once the technique was done, it would pull a powerful spirit within the scope of the technique and let it enter the body of another person.

If it was the body of a living person, the effect is similar to getting possessed by ghosts. While, if it was the body of a dead person, and with magic to seal it inside so that it could not leave, then the result would become like a borrowed body. The dead will come back to life.

Bei Quan’s mother performed a soul-summoning technique on the night of her son’s first day in the world. She originally thought that it would be her son’s “3 immortal souls and 7 mortal spirits” that would be summoned across, but she did not know that the soul energy of a premature baby who had only lived for less than one week was extremely weak. It even reached the point that he couldn’t even hold on for the first seven days before returning to the reincarnation cycle. He was long gone from the mortal realm.

What she had indeed “lured” into the baby’s flesh was the soul of a stranger, or rather— an evil spirit.

“What, what do you mean?”

When Wei Fuyuan heard the word “evil ghost” coming out of Bei Quan’s mouth, he subconsciously remembered the Hui Gui that he had seen.


Bei Quan nodded without hesitation.

“How else do you think I wandered around in the Yang world for a whole six hundred and fifty years in the body of a Yin soul?”

Wei Fuyuan: “……”

He gulped deeply, and swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva loudly. When he opened his mouth, his voice was still a little dry.

“I, can I ask …… you, what exactly were you when you were …… I mean, when you were still alive?”

His gaze flickered for a moment before adding.

“Also, how did you become an evil spirit again?”


Bei Quan suddenly laughed.

After laughing, he let out a long breath, like a sigh, but he also seemed to be relieved.

“…You’ve finally asked me.”

With that, Bei Quan pointed to himself.

“Too much time has passed, and I don’t really remember much of what happened when I was alive.”

Bei Quan was silent for a long time and then added.

“But I remember killing myself.”

He raised the corner of his lips, his smile was cold.

“And, killing many people.”

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