
Chapter 62: I can’t die here!

Chapter 62: I can’t die here!


Editor- PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Ghostie

Dai Bo Qian came out of the KTV box.

This KTV was close to the law firm. Dai Bo Qian and his colleagues came here almost once a month, thus he was well acquainted with the surroundings.

Instead of going to the restroom, Dai Bo Qian proceeded to go straight through the long, labyrinth-like corridor, avoiding the large washroom and cafeteria until arriving at the balcony smoking area put up by the KTV for guests.

In the smoking area, some people stood in groups of twos and threes. Dai Bo Qian walked towards a corner and lit a cigarette. He smoked one mouthful at a time as he cast a glance over the railing towards the lights in the distance.

The cigarette soon burned out.

But Dai Bo Qian still didn’t feel half relaxed.

On the contrary, a stronger sense of uneasiness settled in his heart and even the fingers holding the cigarette butt were shaking slightly.


There was a soft sound of WeChat from the mobile phone.

Dai Bo Qian opened it and found that it was a message from his adoptive mother. She asked him if he would come home for dinner this Sunday.

Instead of answering immediately, he withdrew from the WeChat interface and turned to the SMS of his mobile phone.

The first message showed the SMS sent by the airline.

The information told him that on the 18th of this month, he would take first class and fly directly from Fèng Xīngchéng International Airport to the American group’s Fort Worth International Airport.

He didn’t buy the ticket, but the “Texas Daddy Long legs”, Chen Dafa’s lawyer team, had booked it for him.

It seemed that the other party had investigated his situation clearly for a long time, and even bought him a ticket without his consent.

At the same time, Dai Bo Qian also received an email from the opposite party’s lawyer team, reminding him that he must arrive at the manor before the 20th of this month, otherwise, he would lose his qualification to inherit the estate according to Chen Dafa’s will.

What’s more ironic was that Dai Bo Qian’s adoptive parents still had business in America, and the two elders feel that their children shouldn’t forget their roots. His parents were buried on the other side of the ocean so he had to go to pay respects to them. And due to the urging of his adoptive parents his US tourist visa was always in the state where he could travel anytime.

In fact, if this thing hadn’t happened, he wouldn’t have planned to set foot on the land of America for the rest of his life.

Only now…


Dai Bo Qian pinched out the cigarette butt and exhaled deeply.

The feeling of someone watching him appeared again.

Dai Bo Qian felt like a hamster being stared at by a cobra and felt goosebumps rise up.


Dai Bo Qian said to himself.

——I have to make up my mind at once!

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and quickly replied to the message from his adoptive mother.

After this, Dai Bo Qian put his mobile phone back in his pocket, pushed back the bangs that slipped over his forehead, and decided to go to the bathroom to wash his face.

Dai Bo Qian walked along the familiar corridor of KTV.

He was sure he knew the way.

Come out of the balcony smoking area, turn left, go through the corridor outside the cafeteria, and then turn right to a spacious and bright washing room.

He was not sure if it was a psychological impact, but he always feels that these two corridors were longer than he thought.

After finally reaching the door of the big washroom, Dai Bo Qian looked around.

In the entrance area of the enormous restroom, there was a beautiful marble inlaid washstand and a wide mirror. Because the light was too bright, girls would frequently gather here to reapply lipstick or powder.

But now, perhaps it wasn’t a coincidence that the vanity table was barren, with not even a single figure around there.

The sixth sense made Dai Bo Qian’s heart skip a beat.

He calmed down, turned left and pushed the door leading to the men’s room.

The men’s toilet was equally empty. There wasn’t a person in sight except that the innermost compartment door was closed.


Dai Bo Qian swallowed hard, cold sweat seeped from his forehead, slipped down his temples, and soaked his white shirt collar.

A strong, unspeakable hunch told him that something was wrong, very wrong.

This was a huge KTV with 200 large and small boxes. Furthermore, it was now the most favored time for patrons. At least 80% of the private rooms are occupied, which implied that the restroom in the KTV would never be free.

In fact, when he came here a few weeks ago on a Friday night, at least two cleaners were going in and out to maintain the bathroom clean and neat for all the guests.

This abnormality was an enough premonition for someone who had a strong sixth sense and always trusted his instincts.

Dai Bo Qian turned around and drew the door of the men’s toilet to get out of there without saying anything.

However, the door he just opened with a light push now couldn’t be opened no matter how hard he pulled at it.


Dai Bo Qian’s face turned white.

As he pulled at the door, he knocked hard and shouted,

“Is anyone there? Is anyone there??”

“It seems that the men’s toilet door is stuck. Do me a favor!”

But no matter what Dai Bo Qian did, whether he yelled, pulled, or slammed his fists on it, no one paid any attention to him.


Dai Bo Qian was frightened. He couldn’t care less about his image or public property at this point. He stomped his feet and kicked at the door many times.

——Wait a moment, the cell phone!

Dai Bo Qian remembered he had the KTV front desk phone number in his cell phone.

He took out his cell phone while secretly scolding himself for being so anxious and stupid.

But when he looked at the mobile phone screen, he was stunned immediately.

There wasn’t even a signal in the toilet!

No signal, no 4G, or even free WiFi covering the whole KTV!

——How is this possible!!!

Dai Bo Qian was going crazy.

——Is it haunted!!?

At this time, a “creek” sound came from the last stall in the bathroom.

Dai Bo Qian quickly turned back in surprise.

Having a companion was always preferable to being alone at this time. At the very least, they will have greater strength together when it comes time to breaking down the door.

“Hey man!” he shouted, “The door seems to be stuck. We can’t get out now. Can you give me a hand?”

No one answered, but the stall opened a little.


Dai Bo Qian called again.

Still, no one answered.

Dai Bo Qian suddenly became quiet.

He stared at the half open door, his heart beating like a drum.

Then, one hand creeped out and wrapped it’s fingers around the side of the stall door.


Dai Bo Qian’s mind went blank.

Anyone who was not blind could see that it was not a living person’s hand.

The hand was very long. He estimated that the fingers alone were each 20 cm. They were thin and shriveled, like branches without leaves in late autumn,? and had a strange pallid color.

“Creak -”

The door made a crisp sound. Dai Bo Qian saw that the five fingers had directly punched out 5 holes in the stall door with a light squeeze— like pinching tender tofu.



The hand pushed the door open completely.

Dai Bo Qian stared at the door with big eyes. His eyes widened out of fear as stared at the stall for a moment. His teeth were clenched so tightly, he felt he might break them.

The next second, he heard a loud sound, and the two ceiling lights on the ceiling of the men’s toilet burst at the same time.

The originally bright lighting dimmed instantly!

As if awakened by this sudden change, Dai Bo Qian recovered from his rigid state, turned and began to violently swing at the door to the exit, trying to open the damn thing to escape from this haunted place.

At the same time, with the faint light of the still remaining lamp, Dai Bo Qian could see a figure through the mirror, slowly crawling out of the last stall.

The other party was really climbing!

In the dim light, he could make out a roughly humanoid silhouette.

That creature had incredibly long and slender limbs. It moved by touching the ground with its hands and feet, much like a four-legged giant spider. It had a black mass for a head and a face— it was impossible to determine the position of its eyes, ears, and nose. Only a large crimson mouth spanned the entire face, with the corners of its lips accentuated. It appeared to be silently laughing, and its two rows of barb-like fangs were as sharp as razors.

——As long as it took a bite, there was no doubt it’d be no different from being attacked by a shark!

In extreme panic and fear, Dai Bo Qian was stunned but still managed to bring forth an extraordinary explosive force.

He pulled hard and opened the door of the toilet.

This was a desperate situation!

Dai Bo Qian couldn’t care much anymore, so he turned and rushed out.

“Help! Help!”

He shouted for help as he ran.

At this time, Dai Bo Qian couldn’t care whether he would be regarded as a crazy man by others.

He shouted as loudly as he could.

Logically speaking, even if this was a KTV, the people in the private room might not be able to hear his call, but the guests and waiters who should have been coming and going seemed to be deaf. What’s more, this well-known entertainment place should have been strictly monitored, and a man who was running wildly in the corridor, shouting and screaming should have alerted a security guard!

But no.

The whole corridor was silent.

No box door opened, no guest or waiter passed by, and no one came to ask him what had happened.

He didn’t know when, even the cyclic songs in the corridor had stopped.

All the boxes were dark.

He had walked through the corridor many times, but today he couldn’t find the exit anywhere.

There was no way forward, but there were pursuers behind.

Dai Bo Qian felt that he had run for a long time until his heart contracted and his lungs were short of oxygen.

Behind him, about 20 meters away, the monster, like a big spider, still grinned and followed, as if It would never stop until it chewed a piece of meat from him.

——I can’t run any longer!

Dai Bo Qian supported the wall with one hand, staggered under his feet, almost kneeling on the spot.

——I don’t want to die!

He said to himself.

——I can’t die here!

Just then, in front of him, at the corner of the corridor, two figures suddenly appeared.


Dai Bo Qian had no time to think more and ran towards the two people who suddenly appeared.

Although he didn’t know the identity of the two people, he was sure it was better than the non-human creature after him.


The author has something to say~

Classmate Xiaowei: So your plan B is to scare him to death???

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