
Chapter 53: Xuanmen Village will never be haunted again.

Chapter 53: Xuanmen Village will never be haunted again.


Editor-simpforlife, Proofreader-Ghostie

Bei Quan hadn’t planned to let Wei Fuyuan fight with the Hui Gui for long, therefore he didn’t give him any good combat techniques from the start.

In addition to this issue, the actual reason was that Bei Quan believed he lacked the qualifications to take in disciples in the first place. Even if he taught informally, he didn’t want to be a part of this cause and effect.

However, despite his haughty demeanor, Wei Fuyuan appeared to be exceptionally capable in certain aspects. He had learned several techniques of applying his qualities and virtues without any guidance, by? simply observing Bei Quan for more than a month.

A veil of shallow golden light appeared on his raised arm as if he had put on a wrist guard that would block off the Yin Qi of Hui Gui.

This was Wei Fuyuan’s inner talent.

For him, the innate power of merit is no different from his hands, feet, ears, and eyes. Although he couldn’t see it, he could actually control it, but it’s just that he didn’t know any techniques to learn how to manipulate it. So he could only explore it by himself with frequent combat experiences.

Wei Fuyuan had been able to build a thin barrier of merit and virtue on his body’s surface after several weeks of ‘exercise’. Despite the fact that there was no meditating entity, it was sufficient enough to successfully withstand the cold Yin Qi from the Hui Gui.

The two colors, one gold and one black, were instantly entangled and coiled together, like two intermingled snakes.

However, Wei Fuyuan didn’t entangle with the Hui Gui any more.

He learned from his previous experiences that if he didn’t want to be hurt by the Yin Qi on the Hui Gui, he should protect himself with merit and virtue and minimize the time of close contact with them.

He withdrew backward, and the next second as he landed, his center of gravity altered rapidly and a brutal leg kick struck Luosen’s chest.

Taking their body size in consideration, Luosen was much thinner than Wei Fuyuan.

Their height difference was a good 15 cm, and their figures were like comparing an inverted triangular clothes rack and a white chicken.

Thus, when Wei Fuyuan kicked Luosen, he still felt as if he had kicked a strong iron, which directly struck his Achilles tendon numb.

He quickly staggered back a step, avoiding the next hit and scolded in his heart.


He shouted to Bei Quan, “You hurry up! This time, it’s a tough one!”

Naturally, Bei Quan was not idle at this moment.

Taking his blood as the medium, he was drawing a very complex rune in thin air.

If someone familiar with the mantra saw what Bei Quan painted at this time, even if they did not know its true purpose, they would be able to recognize it from the symbolic structure of the head and angle of the mantra. What Bei Quan was drawing was an embedded mantra.

In other words, Bei Quan combined two runes like a jigsaw puzzle.

Ordinary people might think of it casually, but if the caster wanted to embed the spell with different painting methods and uses, and make both of them work, not only did the caster have to be extremely proficient in spell work but he was also required to have strong creative instinct to put a ‘genius’ idea into practice in a very short time.

Unfortunately, out of the four living people, the three students present were so frightened that they held their heads and howled in fear. They didn’t even dare to open their eyes. Wei Fuyuan was busy fighting with Luosen and had no time to be distracted.

As for Hui Gui who ‘might be’ able to understand Bei Quan’s mantra, of course, it would be even more impossible for it to appraise Bei Quan as a ‘real rare talent’.

However, although Bei Quan’s idea was very good, it was extremely difficult to implement.

Not only was there a high possibility of making a mistake in this complex embedded spell, but once it was driven, it would consume much more energy than drawing a simple spell.

——Shit, I’ll really have to fight this time!

Bei Quan drew the last stroke, tilting the Vientiane Pen horizontally in front of him, and let out a tired sigh.

The spell that he painstakingly drew was divided into internal and external parts.

The inner circle was, of course, the spell to seal Hui Gui; as for the outer circle, it was the spell he would use to break this fragmented space.

Though he had collected the souls of Dong Chaoyang and the little childe, and the fragmented space had long lost its source of power and was no longer as stable as it was before, the remaining energy could still maintain the space for a good ten and a half months. Furthermore, improper handling and a slight misstep in the forced breakthrough would result in the entire space collapsing. Moreover, the people trapped within the fragmented space would be squeezed into mushy meat.

Therefore, Bei Quan did not intend to force it.

Before entering here, to ensure that his little assistant could go out safely, Bei Quan had left a ‘guide’ in the real Xuanmen village.

Now, he only needed to activate a spell to reopen the channel connecting the two spaces and take everyone out.

Of course, Bei Quan was referring to the three students who were still alive, as well as himself and Wei Fuyuan.

As for those who had unfortunately died, Bei Quan was powerless against their fate.

“Xiao Wei, get out of the way!” Bei Quan yelled, “Protect the three of them!”

Wei Fuyuan waited for his boss’s words.

He didn’t even have to turn around, with his short stance, he dodged Luosen’s swift clutch. He did a side roll on the ground and rolled over against his opponent.

Then Wei Fuyuan jumped on the pile of students next to him, one by one, picked up the two girls and kicked Pan Xiaoyun’s ass at the same time to make him move.

At this moment, the massive spell buried in the double layer suddenly revealed a stunning golden-red brilliance.

The light first emerged from the inner circle, like a huge net, and covered Luosen— or the Hui Gui attached to him. At the same time, the outer circle began to rotate slowly in a clockwise direction.

The optical net completely covered the ghost.

The spinning velocity of the outer ring was gaining momentum faster and faster.

Wei Fuyuan had witnessed this scene only a few hours ago. He knew very well what would soon happen.

“Pan Xiaoyun, hold on to me!”

He grabbed the two girls and shouted at the monitor, who had been kicked by him.

When life and death were at stake, Pan Xiaoyun’s body finally moved faster than his brain and unlocked a full 200% of his action. Like a hungry tiger, he jumped up and hung himself firmly on Wei Fuyuan’s back.

“Let go of me, and you die!!”

Wei Fuyuan shouted.

The next second, surging waves from an unknown location came at them with staggering ferocity.

In an instant, it swallowed Bei Quan, Wei Fuyuan, the three students, as well as the ghost shrouded in the optical network, and all of them got enveloped into the golden red spell that was still rotating rapidly.


Tian Jia Xin, who stayed back in the abandoned village, had been waiting for Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan anxiously for a long time.

He couldn’t get in touch with Bei Quan in the fragmented space, so he had been patiently awaiting their return.

One hour, two hours, three hours, four hours…

Tian Jia Xin had been waiting for the two individuals who had entered the fragmented space for a whole five hours. From dawn till early morning, he still couldn’t get any news from them.

“Bei Quan, exactly when will you be back?!”

Tian Jia Xin jumped up and shouted into the void in an exasperated tone.

No one answered him.

In the early morning, there was only the sound of chirping birds in the mountains and forests. Tian Jia Xin’s voice didn’t even startle the birds in a nearby tree.

Just then, a golden red spell appeared over the river he was facing.

“Motherfuck- !!”

Tian Jia Xin jumped up with such agility that didn’t match his short stature and retreated to a safe distance.

The next second, a large stream of water gushed out of the rune center and rushed back along the dry river for a distance of one or two hundred meters.

When the torrent surged, Tian Jia Xin found that there seemed to be several figures churning in the waves.

Although he couldn’t see their faces clearly, Tian Jia Xin still made a decisive move.

He raised his two short arms, and two vines grew out of his hands quickly. First, he circled the tree trunk next to him, and then chased in the direction of the wave like a two-tailed snake. Regardless of the consequence, he enwrapped the figures.

It was Wei Fuyuan and Pan Xiaoyun who Tian Jia Xin saw.

They were stunned by the huge waves, and Huang Lan choked and fainted instantly.

Fortunately, Wei Fuyuan had previous experience. In addition, he was good in water. He held two girls in both his hands and one boy on his back. This being so, he still kept his balance without leaving anyone behind.

“Where’s Bei Quan?”

After the flood passed, Wei Fuyuan threw the students down, grabbed the vines released by Tian Jia Xin, climbed out of the swirling river, and opened his mouth to ask “Have you seen Bei Quan?”

Tian Jia Xin raised his chin to his left.

Wei Fuyuan followed Tian Jia Xin’s indication and saw a figure a hundred meters away-or, more accurately, two figures struggling together.

Bei Quan was desperately straining with both hands to keep the golden-red net formed by the spell that had imprisoned Luosen and the ghost together from breaking loose.

“Tian Jia Xin!”

Bei Quan didn’t look back, as if he had eyes on the back of his head, he shouted behind him.

“Quick, give it here!”

Bei Quan said it so vaguely, but Tian Jia Xin immediately understood his intention.

He stretched out a third vine from his palm, picked up the black suitcase that Bei Quan had asked him to keep safely, and threw it out like a frisbee towards Bei Quan.

The box fell near Bei Quan’s feet.

Without wasting a moment, he held together the curse net with one hand and grabbed the box with the other hand.

Wei Fuyuan had no idea how Bei Quan accomplished it. Anyway, the Lost God Banner, which had been placed inside the box, appeared in his hand in a moment’s notice.

‘Squeak’ and the white silkscreen spread out like a long, taut line, firmly wrapping Luosen and the Hui Gui who were still struggling vigorously.

The white banner tightened and bound the overflowing Yin Qi firmly.

“Tsk, it’s really difficult!”

Bei Quan clicked his tongue and muttered a complaint.

He slashed his other wrist with his free hand with the Qingguang Vientiane Brush, and a red bloodline cut spilled on the snow-white flag.

The Lost God Banner abruptly tightened and finally succeeded in wrapping Luosen and the Hui Gui tightly within it.

The second the white banner was released again, the Yin Qi around Luosen had dissipated.

Luosen’s feet softened, and he fell back to the ground, completely unstabilized.

Luosen, who had been a walking dead for a whole day, was finally turned back into a solid corpse.

“It’s done.”

Bei Quan rolled up the Lost God Banner and smiled back at Wei Fuyuan and Tian Jia Xin, “Xuanmen village will never be haunted again.”


The author has something to say: OK! This arc is finally done!

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