
Chapter 313 Isn't This The School Where...

The sun was getting low, giving the sky a brilliant orange hue from its setting. From the distance, one could hear the moans of the undead echoing in both directions and bringing a chill to everyone\'s heart.

The group of survivors was on their way to Mathew\'s new camp, but with every step they took, it brought them closer to hordes upon hordes of zombies that potentially lurked in every corner.

Mathew and his comrades marched through these streets with determination as they pushed forth towards their destination—they had no time to waste if they wanted to survive this night together.

Everyone was silent while walking, only occasionally communicating through whispers or hand signals when something caught their attention or required extra caution. Nadia and Leila slowly moved further forward while taking out any zombie that came too close for comfort with ease and precision; their movement complemented each other like two dance partners who have been dancing together for years now.

Every single kill made by these two warriors felt effortless yet powerful as if nothing could faze them anymore—it seemed like some form of divine protection granted upon them kept them safe from harm no matter how many zombies approached them from all around.

Meanwhile, at the back, Marcus stayed vigilant as he looked over his shoulder at times whilst keeping an eye over everyone else in front; making sure he doesn\'t let anything slip past him unnoticed. Even though he was the weakest of all the fighters within the temporary group, the three loaded machine guns that he carried on his neck and the one in his hands gave him enough firepower to at least stop the zombies for long enough for Mathew or his wives to arrive.

"I hate how eerie this afternoon is," Mathew muttered to himself as he walked right by Norbert\'s side, right in the very middle of the entire group.

"Don\'t distract me, please," Norbert replied in a slightly annoyed voice.

It was a mystery how he could keep on walking with his eyes closed and his mind currently in ghost\'s form flying all over the place in search of any dangers that could be hidden from a human\'s view.

"Sorry," Mathew whispered, lowering his head as he tried to move past the conversation.

He knew that Norbert was too preoccupied to care about him anyway, so it didn\'t really matter if he kept quiet or not—the only thing that mattered was getting everyone to safety.

The group proceeded forward for a few more minutes until finally, the outlines of their destination began appearing in the distance; signaling an end to this potentially damned trip.

"Leila!" Mathew shouted once he caught the first glimpse of the school\'s fence down the street his group was walking through.

"What\'s up," the girl covered the distance from the front of the group to Mathew\'s location with just two jumps, ready to take his orders at any time.

Her face hosted a puzzling mix of emotions.

From one end, she was disappointed by the near absolute lack of zombies appearing on their path.

Save for a few early on and near Marcus\' camp, they hardly came across any danger making her feel extremely bored if not even annoyed.

Yet, there was also a hint of relief in her eyes, proving that while bored, she felt slightly grateful for the lack of dangers that could potentially threaten to render the entire day\'s worth of effort useless.

After all, it took only a single zombie to break through their defenses and infect one of Mathew\'s future workers for all hell to break loose within the column of the survivors they were escorting. And once chaos would enter their ranks, there was no telling just how many causalities it would cause... Along with the total collapse of the trust budding between Mathew and Marcus\' factions.

Yet, those two were just hints of the emotions on Leila\'s face. What dominated her expression was an excited anticipation of the coming night. And while there was a chance she hoped for some showdown with stronger zombies to happen... Mathew could guess she would rather spend the entirety of the night within the safety of the school and behind the closed doors of a room, she would claim to spend the night with him.

\'It\'s her turn after all,\' Mathew thought.

The turn-based system for him and the girls to enjoy intimacy with each other was a perfect solution to save Mathew from constant overuse. And yet, it also meant that he wouldn\'t have a single night when he could properly rest!

\'How come it\'s only been a few days since I lost my virginity and I\'m already getting fed up with sex?\' he thought, shaking his head before turning his head back towards the school\'s compound in the distance.

"Can you go and check the situation by the gate?" Mathew requested. "Oh, and announce our arrival while you are at it, okay?"

"Sure thing, boss," Leila smiled before turning around on her heel and bolting forward.

This time, she only took one leap to reach the front of the entire group before continuing down the road, crossing the two kilometers of the road they had left in only about a minute.

\'That\'s some insane speed,\' Mathew thought, refusing to let his brain calculate the girl\'s actual speed. It was something that he preferred to remain oblivious to.

"Hey man," Marcus called out right when Leila reached the school\'s gate off in the distance. "Are we going where I think we are going…?" he asked in a slightly weird tone.

"State\'s Highschool no. Four, under the name of great literate, mister…"

"Yeah, yeah," Marcus rolled his eyes. "I know its name," he claimed, stopping Mathew from uttering it whole. "But what I mean…"

"I reported our approach," Leila butted in on the conversation right as she landed back by Mathew\'s side. "There are no zombies to hinder our arrival and our friends already went to prepare a lodging for the newcomers," she reported.

"That\'s…" Marcus hesitated, the girl\'s report only making his expression turn even weirder.

"Thanks, you did great," Mathew said to his wife before turning his attention back to the man. "What were you saying?" he asked.

"That school…" Marcus muttered in a voice even lower than before. "Isn\'t this the school where there was a huge police raid due to some sort of a kid going mad and threatening to shoot his classmates?"

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