
Chapter 4 - Enlivened

"Once upon a time, a handsome prince lived in a ginormous castle. He was praised by the people in his land… except for one creature — the witch." Gael dipped his voice lower for a dramatic effect, his lip slightly twitched at the last word.

"Is this a true story, Uncle Gael?" Ashton asked, excitement was clearly evident in his eyes as he covered himself with the blanket until his neck. He looked like a carbon copy of his father, Daniel, only he was a small version.

"Sort of."

The night of Samantha and Daniel\'s wedding reception from three years ago where he met Angela flashed in his mind and he remembered how he met her. Gael\'s ex was there, the woman who made him become like a stalker—slash—protective psycho because she ran away from him after learning about what kind of a man he was. He didn\'t hurt her, but because she knew too much, he believed that the best thing to do was to keep her by his side—because the knowledge would automatically put her in danger.

Eventually, the two of them became friends again and decided to let bygones be bygones. However, his ex—like the crazy person that she was—decided to be his instant wingwoman and introduced him to a random woman sitting alone at the bar.

And now here he was, talking about his… catastrophes to a four-year-old boy through a bedtime story. How did he end up like this?

Shaking his head as if he was brushing his wandering thoughts away, he continued, "Anyway… The prince ventured to many lands and conquered so many territories. But then one day, he met the witch—"

"Is the witch a bad person?" Ashton interrupted.

The question made Gael chuckle as he thought about what happened to him recently because of that… witch. The things that person did to him was preposterous! She made him become a laughing stock! What could have happened if he hadn\'t known about this?

He probably would have grown old and died of old age, not knowing that there was a book out there about him that\'s an erotic romance novel.

Shrugging his shoulders, he told the boy, "Yeah, she was a very bad witch. And Prince Gael was going to punish her!"

"What did she do?" he probed.

"Bad stuff. Very bad stuff."

Very bad kinky stuff.

"How will Prince Gael punish the witch?"

"Boy, you ask too many questions, how can I tell my story?" Gael got up from the small chair and it toppled over. He was surely not made for bedtime stories—his patience was not that good. He liked kids… but man, they ask too many questions!

"That\'s enough for tonight. Go to sleep."

He was heading out the door when Ashton questioned, "But what about the story?"

"Story\'s not over yet. I\'ll tell you more next time. Good night, kids."

Ashton and Sianna said goodnight with their small voices and Gael left the door ajar.

Walking down the stairs, Gael recalled little Ashton\'s question in his head. \'How will Prince Gael punish the witch?\'

He didn\'t know that yet. First, he had to find that woman… and then he would decide what to do with her.

The next day...

Samantha and Daniel Cho arrived home at seven in the morning. It was a Sunday so the kids slept in while the couple and Gael were able to catch up over breakfast. They asked what he was doing there but obviously, he wasn\'t going to tell them the truth. So he told them the half-truth: "I\'m planning to expand my business here."

"What business?" Daniel eyed him. His gut feeling was telling him that he was not really there for that but he couldn\'t quite figure it out.

"I can\'t tell you yet." Gael sipped his cappuccino very casually—his usual breakfast coffee. Of course he couldn\'t tell him yet. Because it wasn\'t why he was there in the first place. "I need to find some people first before we iron out the plan."

Samantha and Daniel looked at each other and exchanged looks with Gael who now had a grin on his face. It was a kind of grin that they hadn\'t seen from him before, making him look even more mysterious. What was this guy up to now?


"Gael, we really appreciate that you stayed with the kids. It must have been hard on you." Samantha hugged Gael as they saw him out the door, Daniel patted him by the shoulder and added, "Appreciate it."

"It was my pleasure." Gael put on his trench coat and walked out of the house with Daniel who asked, "Until when are you planning to stay?"

Gael arched a brow at his friend, "Are you kicking me out of the country already?"

Scoffing, Daniel shook his head. "Sia\'s birthday is coming up next weekend. You should come."

"Yeah, I\'d still be here by then. Text me the details."

The two men bid farewell and Gael left with his men in convoy. As he was riding the car going to the hotel, a light bulb suddenly lit up in his head.

Angela was there during Samantha and Daniel\'s wedding. It was an intimate ceremony and celebration with only family and close friends on a private island.

Since she was there, that would only mean that she was a good friend of theirs. Which would also mean… she could possibly show up to Sianna\'s birthday celebration next weekend.

Gael subconsciously rubbed the stubble on his chin as he schemed in his thoughts about what he would do when he finds her.

Dozens of images played a scene in his head like a movie clip, making him feel thrilled about the upcoming rendezvous. If he does meet her there, he wondered what she would do once she sees him.

"Angela Angela Angela…" He chuckled. Her smiling face flashed in his mind and it made him even more enlivened.

He had never been this excited to see a woman before. No, he wasn\'t horny.

Or maybe he was—but forget about that. Gael De Luca couldn\'t wait to see Angela\'s reaction.

Would she say hi?

Or would she run away and hide?

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