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Chapter 968: Revive

Chapter 968: Revive

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After condemning them to pay off their debt, Zhao Yao curled his fingers and then Ares and Dust Ball, who were tied up and had something stuffed in their mouths, flew out of the kitchen. The supercats who were watching heaved a sigh of relief.

Matcha said, “I knew it. Although Zhao Yao is a bit sadistic, he has not reached the stage where he would eat cats.”

Latte heaved a sigh of relief and fell to the floor. “It scared me so much...”

Napoleon was confused.

Zhao Yao looked at the two cats then looked at the other supercats and said, “I have been very understanding. I do not really control you guys. I turn a blind eye towards those who play games through the night, date, and even give birth.

Zhao Yao continued. “However, you guys caused a havoc on Cat Island when I was asleep. What do you guys want to do? Rebel?”

Zhao Yao looked towards Ares and Dust Ball. They were relieved that they were not going to be eaten. Zhao Yao said coldly, “Ares, Dust Ball, you two are the leaders of the Plantation department and Cat Fighting Unit. Yet, you do not help in keeping order on Cat Island. You brought cats to bully other supercats and caused chaos on Cat Island. You two will not receive any salary for the next year, do you have any objections?”

Although Ares and Dust Ball could not bear to but they didn’t dare to have any objections to make. They nodded in agreement.

Zhao Yao turned and looked at the other supercats involved in the fight. “They rest of the cats who helped in the fighting, you will not receive salary for the next half a year. If you guys do this again, I will barbecue all of you.”

Napoleon was in deep thoughts when he saw the supercats being punished. “Er... Something doesn’t seem right.”

When Zhao Yao was lecturing the cats, Sheriff was reading the minds of all the cats. It was to observe their reactions and it was also to find the culprit who burnt the catmint field and shaved Elizabeth’s fur.

However, after reading all their minds, especially after the few suspects that Zhao Yao had in mind. There was no result at all, the culprit was not found.

Zhao Yao was thinking, “Every cat on the island is here... Why... unless the cat thought of a way to avoid the mind reading.”

In Zhao Yao’s mind, there were dozens of ways and combination of powers to avoid the mind reading. However, there was none which could be proven immediately.

“Humph, there is a cat being mischievous again.”

Zhao Yao decided to pretend like he had not noticed and find a chance to catch the cat red-handed.

Zhao Yao looked at Matcha and chatted privately. “Take the blame and I will buy all the runes for you.”

Matcha was stunned and then he spat out his tongue like a dog. “No problem.”

Zhao Yao said, “Matcha, did you shave Elizabeth and Diana fur and burnt the catmint field?”

Matcha spat his tongue and said, “Yes.”

Milk Tea and Latte looked at Matcha. Milk Tea said, “Brother Matcha! You cannot admit it when you didn’t do it!”

Matcha kept his tongue and said coldly, “Humph, I will admit to what I have done. In my life, I have never done something that needs to be hidden away.”

Matcha looked at Dust Ball and Elizabeth. “I have endured you guys for very long. This time it is just shaving and burning, if you piss me off again. I will kill both of you.”

Looking at the angry faces of Dust Ball and Elizabeth, Matcha looked at the sky in disdain. He thought, “Hehehe, am I being very cool and arrogant?”

Zhao Yao frowned and said privately, “It’s too overboard.”

Matcha fell to the ground and flipped over on his back. “Zhao Yao, it was not me! I did not shave the fur or burn the catmint field! I was acting cool just now! It was all lies.”

Zhao Yao said, “There is solid evidence. Stop denying. I will cut your salary for three years and you will be imprisoned. For the next three years, without my permission, you are not allowed to leave Cat Wonderland and Cat Island.”

Roly Poly saw Matcha looking depressed and his eyes were gleaming. Project X was thinking. “Roly Poly has succeeded?”

After dealing with the issues on Cat Island, Zhao Yao also ordered for the reconstruction of Cat Island, importing of catmint and for Napoleon to follow Bai Quan around to work. The apostles who barged onto the island had to pay Bai Quan, if they did not have the money, they would have to work to repay it.

After taking care of all of this, Zhao Yao brought the sleeping Arria and Asser to Sphynx cat’s tomb.

At first, he wanted to settle Sphynx cat’s issue immediately when he woke up. Who knew that he would be met with so many issues that had dragged on till now.

Looking at Sphynx cat’s frozen body, Zhao Yao woke Arria and Asser up.

The two cats crawled up and hugged each other while trembling when they saw Zhao Yao.

Asser: “Zhao Yao! What do you want! I am not afraid of you!” As he spoke, he hugged tighter onto Arria.

Zhao Yao looked at Arria and said, “You have the power to resurrect cats or humans.” He pointed at Sphynx cat and said, “I want you to resurrect him.”

Arria looked at Sphynx cat, who was in an ice coffin and said, “I need the Door of Everlasting Life and it has been destroyed by you. I can’t resurrect anything.”

Zhao Yao grinned. “I know your powers clearly. I will help you create a Door of Everlasting Life...”

When he dragged the two cats into the dream, Zhao Yao did not just scare them. He used all the scenes in it to test the two cats and get more information on how they work.”

Asser had the power to control blood. He could control life by controlling blood, he could also heal injuries and increase powers by absorbing blood.

As long as there was life for him to absorb nearby, he could battle immortally. If he absorbed millions of people’s blood, he would temporarily be stronger than Sphynx cat.

For Arria, his powers were more special. He could create the Door of Everlasting Life. Strictly speaking, resurrecting was not Arria’s powers, it was the Door of Everlasting Life’s powers. Arria’s powers was to create the Door of Everlasting Life.

After the Door of Everlasting Life was built, he could revive himself countless times. He could also drag other cats or humans into it and resurrect them countless times.

Of course, such horrifying powers, also had strong side effects or price.

Arria looked at Zhao Yao and answered hesitantly, “The power of resurrection is not without a price. There is no free meal on earth and to resurrect a dead cat it would be even more...”

“I know that there needs to be a price and I also understand the complications behind it. It’s okay. I am willing to pay it.” Zhao Yao carried Arria and placed him on top of the coffin to see Sphynx cat clearly.

“All I need you to do is to create the Door of Everlasting Life and revive him. I will provide you with everything you need.”

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