
Chapter 60 - Wanting A Prince

READER SHOUT OUT: Thank you SO MUCH to Top Readers, Helena_Vieira, Nessa52283, and GIMPY_mousey_23 for your support of this story. Your gifts are TOO generous, but we love you for them. Etan sends smoldering-eyed stares, and Ayleth says you\'re all the best kind of Badasses!



He didn\'t even bother with breakfast. He\'d slept past the normal meal hour, anyway. Slept far too long and woken with an itch in his skin. Ayleth was too far away for him to sense her location and everything in him wanted to go hunting for her. But he knew he couldn\'t.

Instead, he would take his horse out for a long ride alone in the hills on the other side of the forest, let the animal have its head, perhaps jump a few hedges. They both needed to get out of this suffocating castle and away from its cold and prideful people.

How his Ayleth had developed into the bright and loving heart that she was in the darkness of this place, he had no idea. But he was grateful for it. And grateful that he need only pretend not to love her for another eleven days.

Then he remembered that she was riding out with Trystan this morning and all the good feeling that had grown in him at the thought of her was crushed into a prickling ball in his chest.

Other men. Always other men. Touching her, talking to her, appreciating her… Lord, give him the day when he could have her to himself—and challenge villains like that Lord Isolde to a duel should they step out of line with her.

Snarling at the memory, he stormed from the room, headed for the stables.



Throwing caution to the wind, Ayleth reached for Trystan\'s arm. He startled when she touched him, and his horse danced. But he controlled it with his knees and looked from her hand on his arm, to her face, and then gave a very small smile. "You\'re very gracious, Princess," he said.

She rolled her eyes. "Why, because I wish to be friends? Please. Trystan you are clearly discerning enough to have realized that true friends are few and far between in our world. To add one to my very limited ranks is a blessing."

He gave a dark chuckle. "We are definitely of the same mind there," he said dryly.

They rode on without speaking. Ayleth yearned to speak, to reassure him somehow, but she wasn\'t sure how to do it. And she had to ask… "Your regard for Lord Summit…" she said carefully.

He tensed again. "Yes?"

She swallowed. "I do not wish to hurt you, Trystan," she whispered. "But were I in your shoes I would want to know. I admit to having little experience in this, but… but I am fairly certain that his attentions lay… in other directions."

Trystan laughed out loud and a pheasant startled out of the undergrowth ahead of them. One of the guards turned, but continued forward when he saw there was nothing amiss.

Ayleth smiled uncertainly until Trystan was able to settle his amusement. He wiped his eyes and groaned. "Ayleth, the reason we will be fast friends is precisely because you were willing to tell me that—and because I know it for the truth already." He hooted again and shook his head. "Please do not be concerned: I am under no deception about his… attentions," he chuckled. "It was a blow, I\'ll admit, but not an unexpected one. I healed quickly."

Ayleth nodded. "That\'s good to know."

"Please take my approach for exactly what it is: I see what is between you two, and I see the danger you are both in—but especially Etan. And… I wish to help if I can."

Ayleth\'s throat pinched at the earnestness on his face. "Thank you," she breathed.

"I am, at my core, a romantic. When I cannot enjoy the flush of love myself, it is the next best thing to help others find theirs," he said, somewhat sheepish.

"Then we truly are of one heart," Ayleth smiled and patted his arm again. "But please be careful. Your help is always welcome, but do not put yourself in danger for it."

"I… I actually thought I might help both of you stay out of danger."

Ayleth frowned. "How so?"

"If I were to be seen to court you, it would distract others from watching for where your regard lays. Right now, you face fierce attention, Ayleth. People are beginning to whisper and look for clues to your heart\'s match—they know whoever marries you will become powerful. And you are legendary, now, after that fight. Even those that don\'t expect you for themselves are watching to see who you will choose. There are several gambling circles." He chuckled again. "You have sparked the nobles\' appetite for adventure and intrigue, Princess."

Ayleth groaned.

"But as I see it, you must a have a plan to reveal this… connection to your parents. So perhaps you only need a public distraction for a time?"

Ayleth smiled. "You are very perceptive, Trystan."

He nodded once, a little smugly. Ayleth giggled, but her smile faded quickly. "We do hope to wait until the Peace Accord is signed."

Trystan sucked in a deep breath. "Ah, yes, I wondered."

"If you would be willing to help me appear otherwise engaged until then, you would have my deepest gratitude—"

Up ahead a guard shouted the call to halt and Ayleth and Trystan both looked forward.

Ayleth sucked in a gasp, and Trystan hissed, "Keep your expression blank."

Etan—his face stormy—was twenty feet ahead of them, headed into the wood, stopped and surrounded by the guards.

"They\'re under orders to—" Ayleth hissed through her teeth.

But Trystan raised his chin and called. "Lord Summit! Well met, sir! Are you off for a ride?"

The guards turned to find Trystan beckoning Etan forward. Ayleth\'s heart trilled, but she did as Trystan said and kept her face blank.

The guards had a quick discussion and Etan glowered at them, until finally they parted ahead of him, but accompanied him to join Ayleth and Trystan.

"Good morning, Trystan," he said, his voice rough as if he hadn\'t had enough sleep. Then his eyes—hooded, but fierce—snapped to Ayleth. "Highness," he said coldly.

She nodded once, but didn\'t let her joy show on her face. "Lord Summit."

Her heart sang just to say his name.

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