
Chapter 88 Side Story: Arya's Realisation

[The First Day of The New Semester] 

After a grueling day of attending lectures and training alone, Arya trudged back to her dorm room, feeling completely drained.

Collapsing onto her bed, she felt the exhaustion of the day seep into her bones.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to shake off the weariness.

As she lay there, her mind began to wander, reflecting on how she had spent her time.

"Training alone is so draining. It feels like I\'m carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders," she thought to herself, feeling the exhaustion deep in her muscles.

Arya mulled over the fact that she had spent the entire day training alone, with no one to talk to or share the experience with. It was so lonely. "I miss Rain," she thought, her heart heavy with the thought of her friend. 

Arya felt the emptiness of her room closing in on her.

She missed Rain terribly, wishing he was there with her to spar and keep her company.

She could almost feel the weight of his presence next to her, like a warm blanket on a cold night.

"If only Rain were here, he\'d know what to say. He always knows how to make me feel better," she thought wistfully, imagining Rain\'s reassuring voice in her mind.

"Why am I even thinking about Rain when he is not even here?" she scolded herself, trying to push the thoughts of Rain out of her mind.

But the thought of Rain lingered in her mind. She wondered where he was and what he was doing.

Had he found the freedom he was seeking? The Holmes family had been unable to locate him, and no one seemed to know where he had gone.

Arya sighed, feeling even more alone than before.

She reached for her phone, scrolling through her contacts list in the hope of finding someone to talk to. But there was no one. She couldn\'t bear to call her parents. 

The emptiness of her room seemed to magnify, closing in on her with a suffocating intensity.

"Why does no one want to talk to me? Am I that boring?" she wondered, feeling a pang of sadness.

It was already more than week since she came to Dawn City. However, she couldn\'t make even a single friend. 

From the entrance exam till now there was no progress. 

She closed her eyes, trying to push away the feeling of isolation.

The silence of her room was deafening, and the weight of her loneliness seemed almost unbearable. "I don\'t know how much longer I can take this," she thought. 

"Why did he leave the house like that?" she wondered aloud, her thoughts spiraling out of control.

"Didn\'t he have almost everything? Where could he even go? Wouldn\'t it be dangerous to roam around?"

As she thought more about it, she realized that she didn\'t really know anything about Rain or where he was.

Her heart sank as she remembered that he had blocked her on social media, leaving her with no way of contacting him.

She wondered who she was to Rain and how he saw her.

Did he consider her a friend, or just a former classmate?

She felt a pang of guilt, realizing that she hadn\'t tried harder to befriend him and include him in social activities.

"I should have become his friend," she thought to herself, her voice filled with regret.

She mulled over the details of Rain\'s life, trying to piece together what might have driven him to leave.

She remembered that his engagement had been canceled and wondered if Emma had been the one to break it off.

"Didn\'t it look like he liked Emma too much?" she asked herself, her voice filled with confusion. "Then why did he leave? What was he running from?"

As she thought more about Rain\'s life, Arya\'s curiosity led her to search for information about him on the academy forum.

After scrolling through pages of gossip and speculation, she stumbled upon a 5,700-word post written by someone who claimed to be Rain\'s friend.

The post was long, but Arya was determined to read it all.

As she began to read through the post, her eyes began to fill with tears.

The writer described Rain as a deeply introspective and sensitive person, with a quick mind and a sharp wit.

However, the post also revealed that Rain had faced a lot of challenges in his life.

He had grown up in a family that was overbearing and oppressive, and he had always felt like an outsider in his own home.

At first, she felt the post was false. However, as she read more, she noticed many true things. 

Arya felt a deep sense of empathy for Rain.

She couldn\'t believe how much pain and loneliness he had endured for so many years. It was like reading a tragic novel, but this was real life.

She felt angry at the people around him who had ignored his suffering, including herself.

She wished she had known more about Rain\'s struggles, so that she could have been there for him.

"For me, it would be so hard to live a day like this, and he was living like this for years?" she thought to herself, her voice barely above a whisper.

As she continued to read, Arya found herself crying.

She felt like she had lost a friend, even though she had never really known him.

She wished she could go back in time and befriend Rain, to offer him a kind word or a listening ear.

She realized with a pang of guilt that she had been one of the people who had ignored Rain\'s suffering.

If only she had treated him like a friend, things might have been different.

Maybe he wouldn\'t have left the academy, and maybe he wouldn\'t be alone and adrift in the world.

In the quiet of her dark room, Arya felt like she had learned a valuable lesson.

She realized that people\'s lives were often more complex and difficult than they appeared on the surface.

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