
Chapter 218

“Does that make sense?”

Erendir stepped forward, asking so.

“Erendir, can you fold and unfold your arms?”

“Yeah? That’s easy.”

Erendir did as Rudger ordered.

“Which muscles did you use while doing that?”

“Well, it’s an arm muscle, right?”

“Do you know the exact name of the muscle you use to bend your arms?”

At his words, Erendir was perplexed.

“That’s the point.”

“What do you mean by this?”

“People are not interested in the body parts they usually use. I just do it because it’s a given.”

If someone is asked to move their arm they do it because it’s something they usually do but if they’re told to focus on their forearm and biceps they won’t know what to do.

“The same goes for the Mana Path. There is no need to use magic while mana is suppressed, so no one will notice it.”

Magic can be activated without the mana path.

The students responded to his words with half-mistrust. They didn’t say anything, but they were not sure if it was true.

‘It’s funny that the mana path exists, but you can’t believe that you found the mana path that no one has ever found in this ignorant way.’

Modern wizards focused on the study of magic, such as more optimal magic and simpler magic.

How can I use magic faster?

How can I refine the magic to reduce mana consumption?

What should I do?

What else can I do to make it more efficient?

‘Magic’ has always been the target of an endless process of exploration, research, and challenge

On the other side the ancient wizards were the opposite since what they were aiming for was always the ‘self’. Instead of refining and developing magic, they chose their own bodies so that they could unleash stronger magic.

At that time, most people thought so, and believed that they should be stronger to use more powerful magic.

That’s the way it is.

A man cannot lift anything heavier than his limit, that’s why a tool called a crane was created.

If you can’t do something due to your body’s limitations, you invent a tool but the old wizards didn’t.

-You can’t lift heavy things? It’s because you’re weak. You just need to train your body enough to lift something heavy!

It was a stupid thing to do but such a tight-knit mentality has surprisingly created a path, the way to use mana in the best way and with the best efficiency. A miracle that was possible because this is a world where magic exists.

“If there was such a way, why didn’t the wizards knew it until now?”

I wondered who asked, and it was Freuden. He waited with a keen stare for me to answer.

“They can’t help but not know. The interpretation of the language became impossible, and the genealogy was completely cut off.”

“Even so, wouldn’t that method have been handed down by word of mouth?”

“Even if it was told, many have dismissed it as superstition. The way to make a mana inhibitor is hard to pass on by word of mouth, but the other way is what wizards now call a “barbaric” method.”

And the most fundamental problem is the external……No, let’s not say this. They won’t understand if I say it anyway.

“The way we put too much emphasis on efficiency has ironically resulted in the exclusion of all other paths.”

As a result, they denied the existence of other shortcuts in places they did not know.

“So we were wrong and the ancestors were right?”

“It’s not unreasonable to think so, but it’s not unconditionally. According to the ancient wizard’s notes, they also suffered countless failures and trials and errors.”

In fact, I’ve seen a lot of ridiculous cases.

A wizard tied to a stone to develop the power of water magic and sank down the river in order to increase his water affinity and unfortunately the wizard never came up to the surface.

Could the people of today believe that this was one of the many ways in the past?

As they tried to be strong by putting a load on the body, the old people tried all kinds of strange ways and suffered many failures.

Many died but they didn’t stop exploring.

Increasing mana emissions through mana inhibitors was completed because people in the past did countless trials and errors.

-It was a very silly thing to do with the wizards acting like clowns but it was fun to watch.

That’s what my teacher told me when I was young. In the first place, it was teacher who taught me how to interpret Larsil and trained me to increase my mana emissions.

“Throw away the stereotype that the ancestors are more stupid than the present day people. On the contrary, they might know a better way than now.”

Just by looking at Relics, unprecedented items that we don’t know who, where, or how were made.

Only the fact that Relics are related to the ancient people spread like a rumor among academics.

“Then this research that we’re doing now, it’s simply a great discovery.”

Rene said with her eyes shining.

That’s true in a way, but I didn’t think so.

“It’s not a great discovery. It’s nothing more than restoring the forgotten way.”

“But it’s amazing!”

“Yes, the effect is great but what’s truly amazing is the wisdom of the old saint who first came up with the method.”

I don’t intend to take credit for that great discovery. I just have to pay my heartfelt respect to it.

“Don’t forget the path you found.”

“Then what are we going to do in the future?”

Julia, who was just listening, asked.

“If you’ve opened the road, now you have to widen it. You’ve just recognized the existence of the mana path and the mana you can move through that path will be very weak.”

Mana Path doesn’t mean you can just let it go just because you pierced it once. If left alone, it fades again and is forgotten, but on the contrary, the more you use it, the bigger and stronger it becomes.

“The Mana Path shows better growth only when you try to grow it as much as possible while your mana is suppressed. That’s why I gave you guys a week.”

The students were amazed at what I said. Of course, it is correct that I set it for about a week to produce visible effects as soon as possible.

Increasing mana emissions by just 10 percent is a salivating achievement in academia. Still, I was going to teach them one by one if they didn’t find the pass, but I didn’t know they would all come through in a day.

“Thanks to you, I’ll waste less time explaining.”

It was inevitable that I had a strange regret.

“Since I explained about the mana path, try releasing your mana once again but this time use the mana path consciously.”

At my words, the students started to pay attention again.

* * *

“That’s fascinating.”

Julia Plumhart channeled her mana through her mana path and watched Rudger with her half-open eyes.

‘To think there was something like an optimal path in my body that I didn’t even know existed.’

It was as if I had found a small pebble that was invisible in broad daylight, but only shimmered when night came.

It was like the dream magic that I handled, so it was somewhat dreamy.

‘But I can feel something strange about Mr. Rudger Chelici.’

If it’s not an illusion, that’s definitely a sign of a dream magic.

She could feel it clearly because she was the most talented person in the dream school.

From the traces, it seems that teacher did not use dream magic. Is it related to a senior from another school?’

But there was something more intriguing than that, and that’s Rudger’s dream, which had not been seen before, began to appear faintly.

‘The dream of a person who doesn’t dream. Is that something else than a dream?’

Perhaps it was a path that hadn’t existed until he contacted something through dream magic last night like how he taught them about the mana path now.

‘I’m a little curious.’

About the knowledge of all sorts of strange magic and where he got it.

He doesn’t even dream but he influenced Sedina Rosen’s dream.

Rudger was a man whose everything was covered with unknowns.


Julia’s eyes naturally turned to Sedina Rosen, who was standing next to Rudger. She may be trying to pretend not to, but Sedina’s gaze has been directed at Rudger all along from a while ago until now.

Julia felt a little annoyed at the sight.

‘You’re saying you don’t even care anymore?’

Julia didn’t get close to people, but she was as different as Sedina.

A long time ago the first friend Julia made was Sedina.

Sedina was so nice and pure that Julia, who couldn’t trust others, opened her heart.

But one day, Sedina changed. She refused to meet her and left far away until they faced each other again at Theon but Sedina changed. She was dark and broken unlike her bright and innocent past self.

‘That’s what happened.’

She changed again. She has been regaining her old brightness since she was with Rudger Chelici.

‘I need to take a chance to find out.’

I was going to get a glimpse of Rudger Chelici’s dream and discover how he changed Sedina.

* * *

Research on the increase of mana emission was conducted with rapid progress. The students who confirmed that the research process was not false did their best to study.

There was no reason to refuse because showing good performance was to further increase one’s mana emission, and that means that they would grow further as wizards.

“Drink it, Freuden.”


Freuden frowned at the mana inhibitor handed by Rudger.

“Why don’t you drink?”

“……I’d like something else, please.”

Freuden didn’t know that Rudger intentionally fed him an inhibitor with bitter taste.

“This is yours.”

“Don’t you have more of the others left? If it’s all the same anyway, please give me the right to choose.”

“Is that so? Then we can give this to Rene.”

“………I’ll drink it.”

In the end, Freuden had no choice but to drink the special bitter mana inhibitor.


The taste was stronger than before, so Freuden frowned and covered his mouth with his hands.

Rudger looked at Freuden and said with his eyes.

‘Even if you run, you’re a young wolf.’

‘Wow, you bloody man.’

Rudger lightly ignored Freuden’s gaze.

Each applicant who took a mana inhibitor focused their minds on releasing mana.

Today is the fourth day of the study. The students who had already opened their mana path on the first day showed more progress than Rudger had expected.

‘Especially them.’

Among them, there were two students who caught Rudger’s eye the most.

Julia Plumhart and Flora Lumos, the first places in their grade, were showing remarkable achievements, not shaming their reputation as geniuses.

‘Basic release is already in the final stage. Beyond that, can they already create a basic line to activate a spell?’

It was like doing an elaborate brushwork with heavy dumbbells hanging on both arms. You have to go through repeated training for a long time to get used to it.

‘Did these two reached the step that I took a month to reach under teacher Spartan training in only three days?’

Their expressions were calmer than those of other students.

Carrying out such elaborate work in a state where most of the mana does not move well due the magic suppressor means that they have definitely made the mana path their own.

‘They only needed three days. What gifted geniuses.’

He was jealous of talent but Rudger wasn’t too obsessed with it. He knew that he had no talent anyway so he didn’t feel much shame because he was aware of it.

‘To be ranked first in a place where all kinds of talented kids from all over the world gather means that one day they can rise to the level of a great wizard.’

Nothing is more meaningless than comparing yourself to others from birth. Rather, Rudger was fully satisfied with the fact that he taught the children.

He pushes the back of the talented people so that they could move on.

Although the speed is different, and they cannot reach the same destination it was at least the duty of an educator to allow them to walk without giving up that path.

‘These two are doing well on their own, so there’s no need to look at them anymore.’

Rudger’s eyes naturally turned to other students who did not complete the task.

“Rene, you’ve put in too much strength. Reduce the output there.”


“In the case of the Mana Path, if you try to force it from the entrance, there will be a reaction. You need to be a little more careful because you’re still getting used to the pass and expanding it.”

Following Rudger’s advice, Rene’s mana flow, which was somewhat frustrating, became a little more flexible.

“That’s true! I did what you told me to do and it’s fine now!”

“Well done. If you keep doing it calmly like that it won’t be long until you reach the next stage of the mana path. Don’t be impatient.”

Erendir, who was watching the scene from the side, opened her mouth.

“Teacher, I don’t think this is working well.”

The soft eyes toward Rene quickly became hard.

“Stupid thing. Can’t you do that? You don’t know how to handle mana because you have too much.”


Erendir was stunned because Rudger’s reaction was the opposite compared to when he was talking to Rene.

‘Why is there such a big difference between me and junior Rene?’

Rene is a commoner and Erendir is a princess but of course in front of Rudger their status is meaningless. Erendir herself was also extremely reluctant to be treated according to her status.

Even so, wasn’t this difference too big?

“Teacher, aren’t you being mean to me?”

“What are you talking about? I treated everyone the same way.”

“Sir, I have one more question. Is it okay?”

“Of course, Rene. What are you curious about? Any questions are welcome.”

“Everyone can tell it’s different!”

Rudger looked at her with irritation as Erendir shouted.

“What’s the problem Erendir?”

“The difference it’s huge! Anyone can see it.”

Erendir shouted and Rudger looked at her with an annoyed gaze.

“Erendir, you are a senior who has been learning here for an extra year. Why are you complaining because I treated a freshman a little better?”

“A little bit?”

“Isn’t everyone else doing well except you in the first place? Look at Julia, she’s a junior to you, but she’s much better.”

“She’s the top student of her grade!”

“Then look at Aidan. He’s working hard by himself and doesn’t even try to ask me bothersome questions.”

“Oh, me? I have some questions, too.”

“Erendir, do you still think your behavior is so honorable?”

“Excuse me, Mr. Rudger?”

Erendir bit his lip. No matter how much she thought about it, she was at a disadvantage.

“If you know, try to do something. If it doesn’t work out, I can give you some advice.”

‘Ugh! So annoying!’

Erendir, who was completely defeated by logic, had nothing to do but grit her teeth inside.

“Teacher, I have a question.”

Then someone called Rudger. He wondered who it was, and Flora Lumos was staring at him.

“What’s going on?”

“Suddenly, the magic line became unstable, so the implementation is not going well.”

I saw that you were doing well just now, but suddenly you can’t?

Rudger was suspicious but although Flora shuddered inside she didn’t change her expression.

“Can you tell me what to do sir?”

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