纵情欲海3 迅雷下载

Chapter 128: Rift valley.

"I say that Ti Xiaer got scared when she saw us. Hehe, maybe she had already run to find her mother in tears."

After devastating three consecutive strongholds without any significant resistance, Bahanger started to look down on Ti Xiaer. In his opinion, this kind of person who did not make any sound even after being hit by the enemy multiple time must be a coward. And as a dwarf who believed in the teachings of Moradin, Bahanger looked down on this kind of existence the most.

But neither Kang Kai nor Punk agreed with Bahanger\'s point of view. Among them, Punk even sneered at the idea of "Ti Xiaer was afraid." He had seen her madness with his own eyes. A person who even as a will-projection didn\'t hesitate to attack, was afraid to show up? This was really a big joke.

But Ti Xiaer\'s actions at this time were indeed very abnormal. Punk had already felt a brewing conspiracy, and he had a faint hunch that if he didn\'t speed up his pace in solving this matter... let alone getting the legendary equipment, he might even have to leave his own life in this place.

"We will soon reach the fourth stronghold, don\'t take it lightly this time,"

Punk looked vigilantly at the deep valley right in front of him. After an entire morning of rushing and killing, their team of three reached this place. It was a huge rift in the grassland. It almost looked like the mouth of this land.

According to the legends, this valley was created from a full-power attack of a legendary warrior during the time when the Dylan Kingdom was not yet established. This valley was about ten meters in width, but no one knew how deep it was. The vast valley extended far into the distance until finally, it connected with the huge stone forest on the horizon.

Because the residual ice attributed battle qi from the legendary powerhouse\'s attack was still present in this valley, a strong cold wind always blew around it. Because of it, the entire valley was transformed into a world of ice and snow completely different from the surrounding grassland.

In fact, at the very beginning, both Punk and Kang Kai thought that the most unlikely place Ti Xiaer would hide was this big rift as it was just too dangerous.

After all, even the residual battle qi of a legendary powerhouse could not be taken lightly. The everpresent freezing wind in this valley would slowly erode any living thing. The creatures that were lucky enough to withstand the erosion became mutated and were at least official-level existence. Moreover, as these creatures lived under constant suppression of legendary-level majesty, most of their will was also eroded, and their behaviours became extremely chaotic.

Because of all these factors, living here was highly risky, and if one didn\'t pay attention, they could easily lose their life, even if that person was a peak official-level existence.

But now, as most of the strongholds were destroyed, not investigating this rift was also not an option if they really wanted to find Ti Xiaer. And of course, there was the saying that the most dangerous place was the safest place; maybe Ti Xiaer actually had such an idea. After all, if one could endure the erosion of this Rift valley, wouldn\'t those crazy monsters be excellent gatekeepers?

The closer they got to the valley, the stronger the feeling of danger became. Taking this opportunity when three of them were still some distance away from the valley, Kang Kai quickly reminded Bahanger:

"Mr Bahanger, I have to tell you that arrogance is the first step to failure. What we have to face is a strong enemy with unknown means. Any slackness will lead to irreparable tragedies."

Kang Kai seriously reminded Bahanger, which was also an indication that he was very concerned about Punk\'s reminder. After all, Punk was the only professional in their team who could use prophecy spells.

But Bahanger obviously didn\'t take it to heart.

"Hum! Boy… you don\'t have to remind me that. I was also the leader of a team exploring an ancient ruin, and I have done more deeds than you two combined."

The dwarf curled his lips unhappily. As a veteran warrior, of course, he couldn\'t accept being preached by a "junior," so as soon as Kang Kai\'s voice fell, the dwarf retorted loudly.

Hearing the dwarf\'s arrogant declaration, Kang Kai just shook his head helplessly. Although he didn\'t agree with the old dwarf warrior, he didn\'t want to argue with Bahanger in order to avoid infighting at this moment.

Punk, on the other hand, didn\'t pay any attention to Bahangar. He hoped that this guy would belittle the enemy more. It would be even better for him if the dwarf rushed at Ti Xiaer as soon as they met; Punk believed that only then Bahangger\'s role as the meat shield would be truly fulfilled.

However, seeing that Kang Kai and Punk were silent, Bahanger thought they had agreed with his words. A triumphant expression immediately appeared on his face, and his thick beard flew high in the air.

"Hey, hey, you two just watch from the back. If that Ti Xiaer really dared to appear in front of me, I will smash her head with my hammer.

Let me tell you, I once smashed the leg bone of a giant with one strike of my hammer and then smashed two other giant\'s heads one after another. Finally, the entire giant tribe was chased away by me. If it weren\'t for... "

At this moment, the dwarf race\'s inherent bragging skill was fully activated.

His big words might be useful in deceiving those ignorant apprentices, but in front of two well-informed official-level professionals, it only seemed ridiculous.

Listening to the dwarf\'s bragging, Kang Kai rolled his eyes.

Chased away a giant tribe? Who didn\'t know that only when a giant\'s settlement had at least five or six official-level giants could it be called a giant tribe. And according to this old dwarf, five or six official-level giants turned around and ran from him?

Just when Kang Kai, whose personality was based upon the principle of honesty, couldn\'t listen to it anymore and planned to refute, Punk\'s indifferent but extremely serious voice interrupted Bahanger\'s bragging.

"Mr. Bahanger, Mr. Kang Kai, I think we may have reached our destination."

Hearing Punk\'s reminder, both Bahanger and Kang Kai looked over.

While listening to Bahanger\'s bragging along the way, the three people actually had unknowingly reached the edge of the deep valley. Here, the ground within a hundred miles was frozen entirely by ice, and countless white snowflakes were falling from the sky slowly.

Kang Kai was aware of the danger in this deep valley. Needless to say, he also knew that if someone could live here without some special means, they must have excellent strength and courage.

"This valley is heard to attack, and the creatures here are probably also not easy to deal with. So Ti Xiaer may be..."

"What are you afraid of? The ruin I explored was much more dangerous than this."

Bahanger interrupted Kang Kai and shouted. Although on the surface, Bahanger still looked carefree, but he already clenched the hammer tightly in his hand.

Punk, feeling the cold energy permeating in the air, became a little emotional. After all, he was seeing the power of a legendary powerhouse, whose one attack left traces that could last for hundreds of years without dissipating. Although the incredible power of that attack was no longer here, but just from the fact that he could still feel the biting cold wind through the "cold protection" spell, Punk could easily imagine how powerful the original blow was.

"Okay, let\'s go down!"

Without waiting for Kang Kai and Bahanger\'s replies, Punk quickly cast a lightness spell on him. As the wind was already very strong, Punk chose not to fly down directly and began to climb down the steep rock wall by grabbing the small holes created by No. 1 with its sharp claws.

Soon, Punk had already descended tens of meters along the cliff of the valley. Kang Kai and Bahanger looked at each other and then, without hesitation, released their battle qi, and using their fists like pickaxes, started to follow Punk.

The cold wind rushed from the dark depth of the valley into the sky. Very soon, the three figures disappeared into the snowy valley, which was like a wound in the grassland that didn\'t heal after countless years.

Now in the bottomless rift valley, only the endless cold wind howled wantonly!

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