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Chapter 6: The First spell.

Punk knew from the knowledge inheritance that the human races\' appearance in this world was not different from that on Earth. Most intelligent lifeforms were also humanoid creatures. Races like elves only had slightly different characteristics in appearance, like their ears were longer.

Although, at the micro-level, the matters in this world were completely different from his previous universe, but most of the small and big lifeforms or their attributes were not different from Punk\'s previous universe.

Suddenly Punk remembered the battle between the two universes inside the void. Now that he thought about it, it didn\'t seem like just a chance encounter after all... The relationship between these two universes was absolutely extraordinary. But Punk didn\'t bother to think about it too much. Because such a big matter was not something that he can wrap his head around right now!

"This body feels quite light."

Punk shifted his attention to his new body and did a few gymnastics movements that were very easy for him. If this was the Punk from the Earth, making these movements, it would have definitely broken a few of his bones.

"And this skin!"

Punk looked at his white and delicate skin. When he circulated mana/Magic power throughout his body, he could even see a faint blue flickered through his skin!

Mana was soul energy. And if the flow of mana was very smooth, that meant Punk\'s soul and body were very compatible.

Although he didn\'t know how the magic affinity of other mage\'s bodies was! But he was pretty sure that his physique was very suitable for enchanting magic.

"Unfortunately, for the time being, I don\'t plan to learn enchanting magic."

Punk was quite satisfied with his current body. The ancient Elves perished a long time ago. Nowadays, only a few scattered clans followed the elves\' tradition and lived in seclusion without interfering with the outside worlds. So the Ancient Elves didn\'t have any mortal enemies.

While thinking all these, Punk put on a set of clothes that his "Parents" had placed next to him. Also, there were few other things like- a Magic staff, a robe which was a trainee-level magic item, and few other ordinary clothes.

The message left by his "Parents" said they could not Leave any good things because it could attract prying eyes from strong professionals. They feared that the child wouldn\'t have the power to protect himself while holding many valuable treasures.

Punk felt that these were all nonsense because if they had so many treasures, wouldn\'t you just hide it somewhere and leave a treasure map for the baby?

Although Your child might not be strong now, eventually he would become strong, then he could have followed that map and inherit their "legacy!"

Punk felt that his cheap "Parents" might have a facetious attitude when they arranged these. Or they might have thought that their chance of breakthrough was very high.

"well, at least, they were considerate enough to set up this memory inheritance, so I can\'t complain!" Punk comforted himself.

The feeling of being naked made Punk very uncomfortable, so he quickly put on his shirt and pants. Although these clothes are mostly brown and look unremarkable, they were actually made from silk, which was very comfortable to wear. And the boots were made of some unknown animal\'s skin. The brown leather had elegant luster; the fleece at the boot\'s mouth locks the temperature well, which kept his feet warm. The unusual thing about this boot was that it was completely flawless, as if it naturally grew like this. Punk guessed that this should be the result of some magic application in the production process.

Finally, there was a beautiful robe. The blue robe was also made from silk. But if someone looked at it carefully, they would see that each silk thread was almost the same size. Also, on the outside of the robe, there were light yellow mysterious runes. Punk learned from the System\'s analysis that these runes were enchantments of an apprentice-level spell, which increased its tenacity. Punk tried pulling the robe hard, but the robe was completely unharmed. System analysis showed that the enchantment made this thin and lite robe as strong as the thick nylon. The robe also had a trainee-level spell, "secondary teleportation," that could be used twice a day. It was precisely because of this spell\'s attachment, this robe became a piece of trainee-level magic equipment.

When Punk scanned this robe\'s core spell formation, he found that although this spell could only be used twice a day, it was because the formation needed 27 hours to recharge naturally( a day in this world is 27 hours). But if he injects magic power directly, it could greatly shorten the charging time, which was about two or three hours. But, if the infusion speed was too fast. In that case, the core absorption efficiency might not be able to keep up, and the core rune/formation might be damaged.

Putting on his robe, Punk picked up the staff, which was made from a branch of an unknown tree. The head of the staff had a somewhat irregular-shaped big ruby, which had the effect of reducing mana consumption of an apprentice-level spell by 5-20%. The staff also stores a trainee-level Elemental spell, "fireball," which could be used once every 27 hours.

"it will be quite helpful in the early stages, and it will also not attract any strong powerhouse."

Punk shook the staff with his left hand, and the big ruby sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight!

Now, Punk was very impatient to experiment with some of the spells he just learned. One of the spells he learned was an apprentice Level Incantation Spell—secondary catapult.

This spell\'s principle was to create a small amount of Ether Energy from the soul, then convert it into strong and controllable kinetic energy, and release it in the real-world toward the target. This process lets a Mage Launch any small object at a breakneck speed.

Because the original inventor liked to use the gesture of "throwing pebbles" to release this spell, it was named- The secondary catapult. It was also just a simplified version of a catapult that removed the need medium\'s requirement, but the principle was the same.

The casting material for this spell was a small amount of marble powder. Although Punk didn\'t know why specifically, marble powder was used as the material. He guessed that it should be relatively simple to release an apprentice-level spell even without any material, especially with the System\'s help. And he didn\'t have marble powder at hand anyway.

So Punk just casually picked up a small stone and started to construct the spell model in his soul. He had already analyzed and simulated the spell model many times by the System. He chanted the auxiliary chant written with Byron\'s magic language while holding the staff with his left hand. While with his right hand, Punk was imitating the hand gesture.

Although he had sufficient theoretical foundation and the assistance of spell gestures, Punk was still very cautious when casting a spell for the first time.

As his vague and low-pitched chants were echoing from the horizon, he slowly poured his mana into the spell model in his soul. Although Punk felt some slight obscurity during the process, the key points were completed correctly.

Afterward, Punk slowly released the completed spell into the real world, a mysterious symbol was created in mid-air because of the casting gesture, which immediately calmed the newly transformed violent kinetic energy. Finally, a mass of transparent energy started to revolve around the small rock.

Punk pointed with his right hand toward a small tree and let the System analyze and correct the aim. So that he could achieve 100% accuracy even without learning any Magic skills, such as the "Mental Lock."

Punk only heard a sharp sonic boom suddenly appear in the air, and the stone suddenly accelerated at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. Although Punk didn\'t feel any recoil, but the excited elemental fluctuations blew away the dust around him.




Looking at the tree\'s condition, which was hit by the spell, Punk\'s squinted his eyes.

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