
Chapter 95 The Rescue

"Yes," the second person answered, "she has been under control since yesterday."

"Good," a third one answered, "now we can use her as bait to get the others."

The voices got louder, and Kali\'s ears began to hurt.

"Go away!" someone shouted, "she\'s dead! We need to move on with our plans."

"Shut up," another one responded, "we can\'t go anywhere unless we know what happened. Let\'s wait."

Kali placed her hands on her ears to avoid these squeaking voices inside her head, it was sending her sharp and stingy vibrations, forcing her to squeeze her eyes as hard as she could.

After a couple of minutes, the voices stopped, and Kali\'s eyes finally became clearer.

She realized she was lying on her back and saw a pair of boots near her head.

She turned her head, and she saw an old man wearing a black robe.

"Are you awake?" he asked, "can you hear me?"

She nodded slowly, and then Kali sat up.

"Good," the old man said, "you are safe now, but unfortunately, that doesn\'t mean that you\'re free to leave."

Kali\'s heart began beating faster when she saw this guy. It was her first time meeting him but for a reason he felt very familiar to her, it wasn\'t a feeling of fear, but more of excitement, "do I know you?" She asked while trying to lean forward.

The man smiled, "no, you don\'t," he replied, "but I know you."

Kali\'s face turned pale, and she froze in shock.

"Who are you?" she managed to gasp.

"Don\'t worry," the old man smiled, "I\'m a good guy here," he added, "you\'ll find out everything soon enough."

Then, he reached towards Kali\'s chin, and he lifted her head gently.

"You\'re hurt, and your eyes slowly turning white which means their hallucinating weapon is stronger than yours," he observed, "the only way you can survive is to stop them from using it against you."

Kali nodded slowly, and she closed her eyes. "I didn\'t know I had such a power," she completely forgot about her new skills being added to her arsenal, and her mind was so focused on the situation that she couldn\'t see beyond it.

"It\'s nothing to be worried about," he assured her, "and yes, you do have that power."

Kali nodded again, and the old man continued, "they used you to hurt your friends, and they will continue doing that until you learn how to stop them. Now, try to relax your body, and listen carefully to my words."

The people outside of the cell didn\'t seem to notice that a stranger was standing next to Kali, as they looked busy and way too into their own conversation. Hand gestures, voices, and all kinds of weird sounds filled the air of the room.

"They\'re talking about me," Kali whispered.

"That\'s why you need to stay calm," the old man answered, "you need to keep your cool no matter what happens."

"How do I do that?" Kali asked.

"I\'ll tell you later," he said, "right now, you must focus on your breathing."

He pointed at her chest, and he indicated for her to take a deep breath, and then exhale.

Kali did precisely as he instructed, and she started feeling better.

"Now," the old man said, "let\'s talk about the person who brought you here."

"My name is Kali," she replied without understanding his question.

"Is it?" he asked, "I thought that you were called Naira."

"Naira?" Kali repeated, "why would they call me that?"

"To make sure that you remember your past," the old man explained, "it is also a sign of respect."

Kali\'s eyes widened, and she looked at the old man with astonishment.

"Why? What does this mean?" she asked, "what is my past?"

The old man smiled, "I understand that you don\'t believe me," he said, "that\'s fine, my job here is done anyway. Your friend should be here within a minute, was nice meeting you, Kali."

"Wait!" Kali shouted, "how will I know if he\'s coming?"

The man walked away from the cell, and Kali could only stare after him. Then, she heard footsteps approaching, and she opened her eyes again.

A young man entered the room, and he wore a long white robe with a dark green belt around his waist, his long green hair covering his neck and part of his face. He spotted Kali, and he smiled.

"Hi there," he greeted, "are you okay?" His eyes diverted as it looked with a lot of anger on his face, "where is that guy?"

Kali shook her head.

"You\'re not okay," the man continued, "you look like you\'ve been hit by something really hard." He lifted one corner of his lips.

Kali nodded slightly, and then this man grabbed her arm gently.

The old man helped her to breathe better and see things more clearly. Kali quickly realised the dream she had yesterday and how the man in front of her had tortured her. She knew he was not a good man after he struck her chin with a kick.

\'The old man said Lucas should be here soon,\' she slightly bit her lip as her eyes were wandering around, avoiding the man in front of her.

"Are you waiting for someone?" He asked while looking down at her with a sad but sarcastic expression.

Kali nodded slightly.

Telling the man that Lucas will be here quickly would be a downfall of her own, \'when are you showing up?\' She wanted to ask, but she knew that she wouldn\'t be able to get out of the prison alive afterwards.

"Well, come on then," the man said, "let\'s go outside."

This guy seemed to be an ally of Kali, and she wondered whether he was a friend or a foe, but there was only one way to find out.

"Follow me," The man said, and he started walking towards the door of the cell.

Didn\'t take long for the loud footsteps to reach the cell, and Kali turned her head to see Lucas. His jaw was clenched and his eyebrows furrowed when he saw a bruise on Kali\'s chin.

"I\'m going to kill you!"

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