
Chapter 33 - Satisfaction

Adam who had suddenly returned to his bed was flooded with the foreign memories of a battle with the snow leopard, who was the final boss of floor 1, and along with it came the inhumane levels of pain he felt during that battle.

{Ding, any mental effects or experiences that the Dungeon Form gains, both beneficial and detrimental to the host are reflected onto the host\'s original body after returning from the Dungeon} stated the system.


Adam was in too much pain to care about what the system had told him and previously the pain he experienced was very painful, but it only caused him a slight feeling of pain within his mind as he recalled the memory and had never really had a massive effect on him when he returned.

Now the pain was too overwhelming to merely shrug off as he did to the other flesh wounds and slashes he had experienced which were nothing in comparison, as he rolled on the ground, writhing in pain.

Hearing the screams, Sarah rushed into his room and seeing Adam on the ground squirming in agony, she was instantly worried and went to grab his phone that she saw on his bedside, with the intention of calling the ambulance.

As she was about to do so, Adam suddenly grabbed her leg, barely managing to function properly, stopping her before she called the ambulance.

Despite the pain he was in, going into the hospital would get him unwanted attention from the doctors who after observing his body would see how supernatural it was compared to an average human, with almost double the human capacity in some areas and knew that he would be able to recover alone.

Not only that, but they would also not be able to sense what was wrong with him as it was undetectable mental effects from the Dungeon.

"Don\'t call anybod..." he managed to utter before he lost consciousness.

Sarah hearing his last words was unsure why he wouldn\'t want to go to the hospital, but didn\'t go against his final wishes as she struggled to flip his slim yet heavy body over.

She bought him a wet towel and placed it on his forehead, then put a pillow under his head, giving up on the thought of lifting him up.

She was unsure what else she could do to help him in the current situation and worriedly paced up and down his room waiting for him to awaken.

After a few hours Sarah was contemplating calling the ambulance, seeing him still unconscious and making wincing facial expressions as he seemed to still be in pain.

Adam was drenched in sweat as his chiselled body was alluringly glistening, but in the current situation, Sarah didn\'t have time for such thoughts as he picked up his phone and was dialling 911.

Just as she was about to call the phone was snatched out of her hands before she could even react and looking down she saw that Adam had gotten up.

"How are you so fast" she exclaimed in surprise.

"I did martial arts for 2 years" he answered quickly, to wipe her curiosity.

"I\'m sorry for worrying you and will give you an explanation afterwards, but could you please give me some time alone" he stated with a guilty expression, seeing the worry that was on her face, but he knew that the system needed to talk to him and he also had questions for the system about what had occurred in the Dungeon.

Seeing his apologetic look she wasn\'t upset and was actually relieved that he seemed okay, but she couldn\'t help but be curious about what happened and what he needed to do alone after just awakening.

As soon as she left, Adam stumbled backwards onto his bed, still feeling immense pain within his mind as he was ready to listen to the system.

{Ding, the host has completed Floor 1 and defeated the Boss Beast, so has therefore become an LVL 10 Mortal} the system announced.

As he heard that he felt his body become strengthened massively and also felt the pain his mind was going through being wiped away by his body increasing in strength, but the lingering memory of what he experienced was still there.

[System why was the pain so strong] asked Adam.

{The host had activated 2 self-sacrificial extensions of the Bloodlust characteristic at once which has massive backlash on not only the body and mind, but also the soul and spirit} the system explained.

[What, self-sacrificial extensions, how did I do that] he exclaimed within his mind, baffled by the system\'s explanation.

{Ding, the host has unintentionally unlocked two extensions of the Bloodlust characteristic that when the host integrated with changed the host\'s entire being.

Blood Burn - an extension that allows the host to burn your own blood, vitality and life force, driven by Bloodlust, to increase your strength.

Blood Berserker - an extension that allows the host to enter a frenzied state where the mind and awareness are suppressed leaving the body to be driven by only Bloodlust and instinct} the system stated.

Just as he was about to react to him gaining two characteristics he was bombarded with more notifications.

{Ding, the system has deducted all rewards from completing Floor 1 because of the assistance the system provided by helping the host gain the extensions of the Bloodlust characteristic that are extremely valuable, apart from the stat points}

{Ding, the host has 7 unused stat points. 4 from reaching LVL 10 and 3 for completing Floor 1}

As he heard the notifications, Adam couldn\'t help but feel a mixture of emotions, but was overall elated with his gains and knew the value of the two extensions he had gained, despite the side-effects and the pain that they caused.


Mortal LVL: 10

EXP: 0 / 1250

HP: 200 / 200

MP: 23 / 23

Strength: 20

Speed: 21

Intelligence: 25

Resistance: 21

Charisma: 5

Luck: 5

Adam seeing his stats was overjoyed and all his stats were either double that of a peak human or above.

Flexing his muscles that he felt were full of strength, Adam was unsure where he wanted to invest his 7 stat points.

"Spend 2 on MP, 2 on Strength, 1 on Speed, 1 on Resistance and 1 on HP" decided Adam after pondering on where he wanted to spend them for a while.

His plan and ambitions were reformed within his mind and he was no longer aiming for a single cultivation type or class and was aiming to be the strongest in all stats with the limitless Dungeon System that made everything achievable as long as he hunted within the dungeon.

Mortal LVL: 10

EXP: 0 / 1250

HP: 210 / 210

MP: 25 / 25

Strength: 22

Speed: 22

Intelligence: 25

Resistance: 22

Charisma: 5

Luck: 5

Adam looking at his stats had a satisfied smile and felt that the pain was worth it as he felt his aim of healing his aunts was inching closer towards him.

Just as he was planning on relaxing after everything he went through during the dungeon, he suddenly remembered something he had completely forgotten about.

"Tonight is the high school reunion"

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